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Finished drawing showing an elevation of the principal front for the building, c1765-68, unexecuted (1)


Of this design for the elevation of the building Alistair Rowan wrote the following: ‘There is an antique gravitas about this solemn yet sumptuous façade orchestrated by no less than ten gigantic Corinthian columns, arranged as a semi-circular peristyle at the centre of the façade. The pedimented flanking blocks adopt a vocabulary that Adam had acquired in Rome: heavy tabernacle frames on bracketed plinths, long panels of relief sculpture and rectangular upper windows copied from Michelangelo’s St Peter’s. A final Roman motif is provided by the semi-circular domes on the side elevations.’

The Adam brothers’ designs for the Bath Assembly Rooms were not executed. See scheme notes.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk

Contents of Finished drawing showing an elevation of the principal front for the building, c1765-68, unexecuted (1)