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Preliminary designs, design and finished drawings for a castle style scheme for the house, 1774, unexecuted (8)


None of Adam's schemes for Eastwell Park were executed.

The first scheme makes use of Adam's castle style, with a forecourt as in Adam's designs for Seton House (Adam volume 33/94), Airthrey House (Adam volume 48/83) and Stobs Castle (Adam volume 30/88). King has noted that the octagonal pavilions shown in the plans (Adam volumes 48/42-43) are reminiscent of one of the unexecuted schemes for Lowther Hall (Adam volumes 33/55-58). Moreover, according to King, Adam's rare use of buttresses in this scheme can be seen in very few other designs - all unexecuted - including the garden temple for Balbeardie House (Adam volumes 32/90-92), and the brewhouse and offices for Kirkdale House (Adam volumes 35/41-43).



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk

Contents of Preliminary designs, design and finished drawings for a castle style scheme for the house, 1774, unexecuted (8)