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  • image SM (7) 56/8/13

Reference number

SM (7) 56/8/13


Survey drawing of the ground floor


7 Plan of the Ground / Floor of the Banking / House of / Messrs Stuckey & Co / at the Broad Quay / Bristol with wall elevation


bar scale of ? inch to 1 foot


as above, AA Iron Safe in Wall with Cast Iron Door / and one good Plain Lock with one Key to Shoot four Bolts / to (sic) into side Jambs and one each top and bottom / they (sic) Top Bottom Back and Sides appeare to be / Strong Sheet Iron two Iron Shelves in AA, BB Iron Closet in Wall with Cast Iron Folding Doors / with good Plain bolts and Lock with one Key to / Shoot four Bolts into side / The Top Bottom Back and Sides appeare to be / Strong Sheet Iron / filled upp (sic) with two Small Iron Drawers and one Shelve (sic) / the above Locks are supposed to have been on twenty years, CC Glass / folding Doors / to Bank, DD Iron folding / Doors to goe into / Basement Lock and Bolts / want repairing, EE oke flapp (sic) in Pavement Nailed &c on the Top side / a New one will be wanting as this one his (sic) Decayed, FFFF Strong folding Doors / Nailed outside with Locks bolts / and Bars, Those ajoining (sic) Primeseses (sic) is a small / Grocer and tea Dealer Shop / by Elizebeth Dairs, labelled: Salt Wearehouse (sic) (twice), Coal / hole, Lobby, Door to Salt / Werehouse (sic), Stairs Leading to small / counting house in the Roof / of the Salt Werehouse (sic), Pump, Yard, this Wall ^is as high as / water Closets XX, Iron Gaurds (sic), G Strong folding / Doors with Bolts &c, Coals &c, Stairs Leading to the one / Paire floor, I am of opinion that those Parts Walls belongs to this house, Passage Leading to Salt Werehouse (sic) &c, Passage, Committee Room, Shutters, Chim[ney], Closet, Closet for / Books &c, Those ajoining (sic) Primises his (sic) a Oils and Coulerman &c Buisness (sic) carred (sic) on by Mr Bowen, I am of oppinion (sic) that those Parts Wall belongs to this house as this, Closet, Chimney, Desk for Clerks (twice), Drawers under Counter, Desk on Counter (twice), Counter, Space for the Public, Flap, Sliding Shutters, Front, (pencil) C 3 sheets, C / 3, (red pen, encircled) 8, and some dimensions given

Medium and dimensions

Pen, grey, blue and terre verte washes pricked for transfer on wove paper with two fold marks (338 x 544)


Thomas Heath, clerk of works


The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, Stuckey, Lean & Co, Bristol, 1806-26, 2013, accessed 14 February 2013 <http://heritagearchives.rbs.com/wiki/Stuckey,_Lean_%26_Co,_Bristol,_1806-26>



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

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