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[2] Survey of the principal floor, 12 May 1808
Reference number
SM 38/4/1
[2] Survey of the principal floor, 12 May 1808
Plan of the Principal Floor / 13'6'' high
bar scale of 2/3 inch to 10 feet
as above, labelled: Hay (twice), Corn, Hay loft Floor, Plate / Closet, Butlers / Pantry, Stores, Breakfast Parlor, Water / Closet, Staircase, Drawing Room, Hall, Covered Porch, Dining Room, Mr Teisseir's / Room, Iron / Safe, Counting House, Carriage Drive, Bed, Lodge, Broad Street, No 1 Court Yard in front of House with two Entrance Gates / from Broad Street - Carriage drive round the same / eleven feet wide - Gates the same width - Dimensions / of the same 55 feet in width and 33 feet in depth / from the front of Broad Street / 2 Lodge with Bed therein 12 by 8 feet / 3.4 A small covered Shed and Privy for the use of the Lodge / In the Shed, there will be room for Coals / 5 A Covered Porch for the purpose of ascending to the Hall / in the dry with Steps therein 9 feet wide, rounded on / the edges and of an easy rise / 6 Entrance Hall 16 feet by 12 communicating with all the Apartmts / 7 Dining Room 30 by 20 feet with Windows towards Broad Street / with Balconies, 8 Drawing Room 20 by 27 do...do...do / 9 Breakfast Parlor 20 feet square, windows towards the / back Court Yard, communicating with Dining Room / and Mr Ts Private Room, and having / 10 A Store Room 13 by 10 feet attached to it, such store room / communciates with the Hall likewise / 11 Butlers Pantry 12 by 7 feet, having a Chimney & Sink / in the middle therein, & communicating with / 12 A Plate Closet 12 by 6 feet / 13 Principal Staircase 21 by 9 feet, a Water Closet therein / under the Stairs / 14 Back Servants Staircase 12 feet by 6.6, leading from / this floor to the Chamber floor / 15 Mr Teisseir's room 24 feet by 17.6 entered from the / Breakfast Parlour & communicating with the Clerks / 16 Counting House, which is 21 feet by 16.6 & which has / an enclosed entrance from London Wall / 17 Hay Lofts over Stables with doors in their external / Walls for the admission of Hay, each Hay Loft / 24.2 by 19 feet / 18 Corn Binn 14 feet by 9 and dimensions given, (pencil, hand of Walter Spiers, curator) Case 1 (opposite E under Students Room) / Drawer 74 / A / 7 Sheets Various plans of houses in London / Inventory D page 169-70
Signed and dated
- 12 May 1808
May 12th 1808
Medium and dimensions
Pen and sepia wash, pricked for transfer within double ruled border on wove paper (460 x 331)
Francis Edwards (1784 - 1857)
Francis Edwards (1784-1857, improver July 1806-October 1810)
Francis Edwards (1784-1857, improver July 1806-October 1810)
The property - a five-bay house with a Covered Porch - is well set back from the street (33 feet) with a Carriage Drive, two gated entrances and a Lodge at the front of the house. It is a mercantile residence, so as well as having a Drawing Room, Dining Room and Breakfast Parlor there is a Counting House adjacent to 'Mr Teisseir's Room', which contains an iron safe. The Counting House can be accessed directly through 'an enclosed entrance from London Wall'.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk