Sir John Soane's collection includes some 30,000 architectural, design and topographical drawings which is a very important resource for scholars worldwide. His was the first architect’s collection to attempt to preserve the best in design for the architectural profession in the future, and it did so by assembling as exemplars surviving drawings by great Renaissance masters and by the leading architects in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries and his near contemporaries such as Sir William Chambers, Robert Adam and George Dance the Younger. These drawings sit side by side with 9,000 drawings in Soane’s own hand or those of the pupils in his office, covering his early work as a student, his time in Italy and the drawings produced in the course of his architectural practice from 1780 until the 1830s.
Browse (via the vertical menu to the left) and search results for Drawings include a mixture of Concise catalogue records – drawn from an outline list of the collection – and fuller records where drawings have been catalogued in more detail (an ongoing process).
Contents of Town houses
- Bath, Somerset: Seymour Street: alterations to the eating room for Christopher Barnard, 1800 (1)
- Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk: 81 Guildhall Street: alterations and additions for James Oakes, 1789 (2)
- Glasgow: 6 Buchanan Street for Robert Dennistoun, 1798-1800 (35)
- London: Adams Place, Borough High Street, Southwark: houses and shops for Francis Adams, August 1781 (4)
- London: 6 Audley Square, survey drawing of Richard Benyon's house, 1805 (1)
- London: Bartholomew Lane, City of London: party wall negotiation, alterations and redecoration for Messrs Down[e], Thornton and Free, 1801 (1)
- London: Berkeley Square, Westminster: alterations and additions for Mrs Perry, August 1782
- London: (?) Bloomsbury Square: survey of two houses for John Pearse, 1793 (3)
- London: Bolingbroke Grove, Wandsworth Common, Battersea: survey of house for Benjamin Cole, 1792
- London: 11 Bruton Street, Westminster: designs for alterations for the Dowager Countess of Portsmouth, 1802 (3)
- London: Buckingham House, 91 Pall Mall: (executed) house for 1st Marquess of Buckingham, 1790-1793, (executed) alterations to the library, 1794, and (executed) alterations on the ground and first floors, 1813 (52)
- London: Cardigan House, Richmond Hill: survey drawings and designs for additions, 1795-1797 (6)
- London: Cedar Court, Roehampton: alterations and additions for John Thomson, 1804-1807 (49)
- London: Charlotte (now Hallam) Street: mausoleum for Sir Francis Bourgeois, 1807 (18)
- London: 19 Curzon Street, additions and alterations for Sir John Sebright, 1803-7 (16)
- London: 4 Dean Street: designs for alterations for Robert Knight 1804, 1807 and 1808 (11)
- London: 22 Dunraven Street (former New Norfolk Street), Westminster: alterations for John Hammet MP, 1801 (7)
- London: Fife House, Whitehall; repairs and improvements for the 2nd Earl of Liverpool, 1809 (2)
- London: 90 Fleet Street, City of London: new banking house for William Praed, 1801 (59)
- London: Fountain Court, Aldermanbury: surveys and designs for a new counting house for William Adair Jackson Esq. and Messrs Peters & Co, 1798-1805 (25)
- London: 24 George Street, Hanover Square: survey and chimneypiece designs for Dr Pemberton, 1799 (3)
- London: 89 (and 87?) Great Russell Street: survey drawings with design for additions (2)
- London: No. 49 (formerly 44) Grosvenor Square: alterations for the Dowager Countess of Pembroke, 1797-9 (18)
- London: No. 49 (formerly 44) Grosvenor Square: alterations for Robert Knight, 1801-2 and 1818-19 (47)
- London: Haymarket, Westminster: terrace of three houses for Benjamin Brecknell, 1800 (3)
- London: Hereford Street, Grosvenor Square, Westminster: unexecuted designs for the Society of Dilettanti and for a library for Lord Camelford, 1784-1785 (2)
- London: 43 Hill Street: alterations and additions for 1st Earl Fortescue, 1793-1795 (6)
- London: Lincoln's Inn Fields, the garden and adjoining buildings, 1812 (2)
- London: Lincoln's Inn Fields: unexecuted designs for building within the garden on the east side, 1800 (5)
- London: 51 Lincoln's Inn Fields: survey and designs for alterations and additions for John Pearse, 1794-1795 (6)
- London: 59-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields (Lindsey House), Camden: surveys and alterations for Sir Spencer Perceval, 1802 (9)
- London: 12 Mansfield Street: survey for Charles Mills, 1799 (2)
- London: 54 Old Broad Street, City of London: survey and alterations for William Thornton (later Astell), 1800-18 (2)
- London: Old Cavendish Street: shop front for Edward Foxhall, 1799 (2)
- London: 2 Old Queen Street, Westminster: alterations and additions for Sir James Bland Burges, 1801-2 (1)
- London: 58 (former 50) Park Street, Westminster: repairs and alterations for Henry Peters, 1800, 1806 and 1808 (1)
- London: Park Street: design for a chimneypiece for Henry Peters, June 1790
- London: Pembroke Lodge, Richmond see Country houses - Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park, London
- London: 148 Piccadilly, Westminster: drawing room door for the Hon. Wilbraham Tollemache, c.1781 (1)
- London: Piccadilly: design for a chimney-piece for Charles Alexandre de Calonne, 1791 (1)
- London: Pitzhanger Manor, Ealing see Country houses - Pitzhanger Manor, Ealing, London
- London: 25 later 70 Portland Place, alterations for Admiral Sir Alan (later 1st Lord) Gardner, 1795 and further alterations, 1810 (2)
- London: Rectory Manor, Walthamstow see Country houses - Rectory Manor, Walthamstow, London
- London: 2 and 3 St James Square, designs for additions for Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, 1819 (2)
- London: 21 St James's Square: unexecuted design by Soane, June 1794; as built design by R.F.Brettingham, July 1795, earlier design by Brettingham and Soane's designs for fittings1795, 1797 for the 5th Duke of Leeds, 1794-7
- London: 22 St James's Square: survey drawings and unexecuted designs for alterations, for Samuel Thornton, 1799, 1808
- London: 33 St James's Square, Charles Street and Market Lane: alterations and additions for Lord Eliot, 1805-1819 (55)
- London: 429 Strand, survey for the Westminster Life Insurance Office, 1795 (4)
- London: 12 Stratton Streeet, new house for Colonel Thomas Graham, later 1st Lord Lynedoch, 1797-8 (39)
- Norwich, Norfolk: Surrey Street, alterations for John Patteson, 1790 (8)
- Reading, Berkshire: Castle Street, unexecuted house for William Blackall Simonds and then William May, 1806 (2)
- Reading, Berkshire: Friar Street, house for Lancelot Austwick, 1796 (32)
- Reading, Berkshire: London Place: design for speculative housing for William Blackall Simonds, 1794 (2)
- Reading, Berkshire: Seven Bridges Street now Bridge Street: brewery for William Blackall Simonds, 1789-1790; house for Mr Simonds fronting the brewery, 1789; additions and alterations to the original house, 1802-1803 (34)