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Variety of coinage


Each of the states of Italy minted its own coinage. Dutens's Itinéraire gives those of Turin, Genoa, Parma, Modena, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Venice and Milan. Together with French and other coins in general use in Italy, Soane mentioned a great variety including baiocchi, batz, carlinos, ducats, grains, Milanese livres, onzas, pauls, scudi and sequins. He noted equivalences such as: 'Expenses at Padua - 10 P[auls] - 5 [shillings]', '6 Seq[uins] @ 21 P[auls] [=] 126 [Pauls] [or £]3.3.0', 'Naples ... 58 Carlins for a Pound Sterlg', '6 florins make 1 Seq[uin]', 'Imp[erial] Florin ... is equal to a Louis ... other florins take 13½ to / a Louis'; the difference in the value of a florin or other coin depending on the purity of its silver or gold.



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