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  • image SM (43) 82/1/15A (44) 82/1/16 (45) 82/1/15 (46) 82/1/7A

Reference number

SM (43) 82/1/15A (44) 82/1/16 (45) 82/1/15 (46) 82/1/7A


Approved designs with the alterations suggested by Goulburn, September 1829 (4)


43 Cover sheet 44 Plan of the Ground Floor of the New State Paper Office 45 Elevation of the North Front 46 Letter from B. C. Stephenson to Soane


(44, 45) bar scales of 1/9 inch to 1 foot


43 Design for the New State Paper Office / agreeably to the suggestions made to me / No 3 44 as above, Lincolns Inn Fields, labelled: Duke Street, Messenger / 12'6'' by 13'9'', Water / Closet, Housemaids / Closet, Reading Room / 12'6'' by 13'9'', Waiting Room, 12'6'' by 19'0'', Staircase, Entrance Hall, 12'6'' by 19'0'', Room / for keeping / Treaties / 21' by 24', Deputy Keeper / 23'0'' by 17'0'', Room for / the Keeper of / State Papers / 21' by 24', This Plan has been finally approved of / for the New State Paper Office by the / Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's / Treasury 45 as above, New State Paper Office, Lincolns Inn Fields, This Elevation has been finally approved / of for the New State Paper Office by the Lords / Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury 46 Sir, / I herewith transmit you the Elevations / and Plan, marked No 3, for the New State Paper / Office, which have been finally approved of by the Lords / Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, / and I likewise / transmit the Plans, and Designs, for this Building / marked No 2 - the Plans of which are to be executed / but with reference to the alterations in the position / of the Chimnies, as approved of in the Plan marked / No 3. I have been directed to request your / earliest attention to the execution of the above works, / as far as the Sum limitted (sic) for the expenses of the / same within the present year will permit. // I have the honor (sic) to be / Sir / Your most Obedt Servt / B C Stephenson // John Soane Esqre / &c &c &c

Signed and dated

  • September 1829
    (43) John Soane / L. I. Fields, September 1829 (44, 45) (notes) B C Stephenson, Office of Works / 24th June 1830 (46) Office of Works / 26th June 1830

Medium and dimensions

(44) Pen, pink, sepia and blue washes, pricked for transfer with single ruled border on laid paper (295 x 463) (45) pen, sepia, yellow ochre and black washes, pricked for transfer with single ruled border on laid paper (288 x 460) (46) pen with black wash border on laid paper with four fold marks (235 x 374)


(44, 45) Charles James Richardson (1809-71, pupil and assistant 1824-1837) (46) Benjamin Charles Stephenson (c.1766-1839), Surveyor-General of the Office of Works


(44, 45) W Weatherley 1829 (46) George Yeeles 1820


Drawings 44 and 45 are the approved designs for the New State Paper Office, made in September 1829 but returned to Soane in June 1830 with an accompanying letter from Benjamin Charles Stephenson (c.1766-1839), Surveyor-General of the Office of Works. The north front (drawing 45) has been altered to include the pilasters requested by Goulburn and the quoins have been removed (q.v. drawing 27). The letter gives approval for Design 'No 2', 'the plans of which are to be executed but with reference to the alterations in the position of the chimneys approved of in the plan marked No 3'. The only plan known to exist with the chimneypieces in new positions is for the ground floor (drawing 44 - see also drawing 27: 'no fire places to be between the windows where it can be avoided'). Soane was instructed to proceed with the execution of the works 'as far as the sum limitted for the expenses of the same within the present year will permit.'



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk