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  • image Image 1 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40
  • image Image 2 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40
  • image Image 3 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40
  • image Image 1 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40
  • image Image 2 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40
  • image Image 3 for SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40

Reference number

SM (251) 49/1/39 (252) 49/1/38 (253) 49/1/40


Survey drawings of the new Privy Council Chamber, September 1827 (3)


251 Plan of the New Council Chamber &c in Downing Street with plan of the old Council Chamber on flier 252 Plan of the New Council Chamber &c in Downing Street with Plan of the Temporary Council Chamber / in Whitehall Place on flier 253 Plan of the New Council Chamber &c in Downing Street with plan of the temporary Council Chamber overlaid


(251-253) bar scales of 3/8 inch to 1 foot


251 as above, labelled: Note. The Red Lines shew ^Small Plan attached to this shews the outline of the Old Council Chamber or Cock Pit, Ante-Room, Downing Street 252 as above 253 as above, labelled: Note. The Red Lines shew the outline of the Temporary Council Chamber / in Whitehall Place together with the Tables &c, Ante Room, Ch[imne]y (5 times), Table (3 times), Downing Street

Signed and dated

  • (251) Lincolns Inn Fields / 15 Sepr 1827 (252) Sepr 1827 (253) Lincolns Inn Fields 15 Sepr 1827

Medium and dimensions

(251, 252) Pen, grey, yellow ochre, pink, black, burnt umber and raw Sienna washes, pricked for transfer with triple ruled, grey and black wash border on wove paper with a flier on wove paper, affixed (724 x 520, 727 x 525) (253) pen, grey and pink washes, pricked for transfer with triple ruled, grey and black wash border on wove paper (725 x 522)


(251-253) Stephen Burchell (1806-?, pupil 1823-28)


(251-253) Smith & Allnutt 1823


In September 1827 the Privy Council asked Soane to remove the eight Ionic columns from the Council Chamber, 'their Lordships being of opinion that these Columns interfere with the Arrangements which will be necessary for the transaction of Business in that Apartment' (Charles Greville, Clerk to the Council, 6 September 1827, quoted in King's Works, p. 558, n. 6). It is perhaps in response to this request that drawings 251-253 were produced. Drawing 251 has a flier with a plan of the old Council Chamber (q.v. drawing 150) affixed while the flier affixed to drawing 252 shows a plan of the temporary Council Chamber in Whitehall Place (q.v. drawings 247-248) and drawing 253 is overlaid with the same plan (in pink wash). The fliers are affixed directly over plans of the new Privy Council Chamber, suggesting a comparison of the old and temporary rooms with the new Council Chamber. The effect is to clearly demonstrate the greater size of the new Council Chamber, although Soane's misleading inclusion of the ante-room in the plans does exaggerate this effect.
It was eventually decided to retain the columns for the time being, although Soane was chastised for his failure to produce sufficient plans at the design stage (see scheme note).



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk