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  • image SM (243) 49/5/38

Reference number

SM (243) 49/5/38


Design for completing the buildings on Downing Street, January 1827


243 Site plan


bar scale of 7/16 inch to 10 feet


labelled: Whitehall, (in Soane's hand) Hatch for Foreign Ministry / see small plan, State Paper Office, King Street, Proposed new official / residence for / the Sec. of State / Home Department, 85'0'' / Downing St, 65.0, Line of front of old Houses in Downing Street, New Privy / Council / Chamber / &c, Privy Council / Offices, Original / Centre of the New Privy Council Offices &c, Hall, Board of Trade, Treasury Passage, Secretary of State / for the Home Department / to be added to the Treasury / without the level of the / Floors, Treasury Passage leading into the Park, Chancellor of the / Exchequer, Secretary of State Foreign Department, (pencil) Triumphal / Arch, St James Park

Signed and dated

  • 25 Jany 1827

Medium and dimensions

Pen, grey, pink, lemon yellow and blue washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper (465 x 675)


Soane office


Soane's new proposal, in January 1827, is to mirror the Board of Trade Offices with a new building on King Street. Instead of being parallel to the Privy Council Offices, the new 'State Paper Office' and 'proposed new official residence for the Sec. of State Home Department' are placed at an angle with the centre marked by a line through Downing Street. The two wings are bridged by a triumphal arch which is placed at the end of the Privy Council Chamber. In the National Archives is a drawing entitled 'Copy of an original plan of the basement story of the Board of Trade and Council Offices at Whitehall' (WORK 30/319). The drawing is dated '24 April 1833' and is inscribed in George Bailey's hand: 'This line of front is imitated from the Massimi Palace by Bramanté' - that is, the Palazzo Massimo 'alle Colonne', now attributed to Baldassarre Peruzzi.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk