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  • image Image 1 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 2 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 3 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 4 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 1 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 2 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 3 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11
  • image Image 4 for SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11

Reference number

SM (168) 49/2/8 (169) 49/2/9 (170) 49/2/10 (171) 49/2/11


Working drawings for the Privy Council Offices, May 1825 (4)


168 Plan of the Basement 169 Plan of the Ground Floor of the New Council Offices &c 170 Plan of the One Pair Floor of the New Council Offices &c 171 Plan of the One Pair Floor of the New Council Offices &c


(168-171) bar scales of 1/6 inch to 1 foot


168 as above, New Council Offices &c, labelled: Office Papers & Lamp Room, Used as Coal / Cellar, Office Keeper's Wash house, Office Keeper's / Small Parlor, Office Papers, H[ouse] K[eeper's] Store Room, Office Keeper's / Kitchen / (intended / as a Cellar), Office Keeper / Store Room, Office Keeper Parlor, Passage to Area, Water Closet, Larder, Opens for Light, Sub Hall, H K Parlor / (intended / as Cellar), H K Scullery &c, House Keeper's / Sitting Room, House Keeper's Kitchen and dimensions given 169 as above, labelled: Entrance Hall, Principal / Staircase, Lobby, Water Closet (twice), Entrance Hall / From Downing Street, Staircase, Lobby, Porter, Library and dimensions given 170 as above, labelled: Barrister's Room, Lobby, Robing Room, Mr Greville, Mr Buller, Passage of Communication, Principal / Staircase, The Lord Presidents Room, Committee Room, Waiting Room, The Lords Retiring / Room, Water / Closet (twice), Lobby, Ante Room, Council Chamber and dimensions given 171 as above, labelled: Door of Board of Trade, Barrister's Room, Lobby, Robing Room, Mr Greville, Mr Buller, Passage of Communication, Principal / Staircase, The Lord Presidents Room, Committee Room, Staircase, Waiting Room, The Lords Retiring / Room, Water / Closet (twice), Lobby, Ante Room, Council Chamber and dimensions given

Signed and dated

  • (168, 170) Lincolns Inn Fields / May 1825 (169) May 3rd 1825 / Lincolns Inn Fields (171) Lincolns Inn Fields / 3d May 1825

Medium and dimensions

(168, 170, 171) Pen and pink wash, pricked for transfer on wove paper (708 x 517, 708 x 525, 704 x 521) (169) pen, pink and blue washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper (707 x 520)


(168, 169, 171) Charles James Richardson (1809-71, pupil and assistant 1824-1837) (170) David Mocatta (1806-82, pupil 1821-27)


(168) 1810 (169) Smith & Allnutt 1820 (170) Smith & Allnutt 1823 (171) Smith & Allnutt 1817


The internal layout of the new Privy Council Offices on drawings 168-171 is largely the same as on drawings 146-148. Obvious differences are the projecting pavilion on the later drawings and the different shape of the lobby off the Downing Street entrance hall. Drawing 169 has pencil alterations suggesting changes to the staircase connecting the lobby and the basement storey at the top of the sheet. The Council Chamber on drawing 170 has a starfish ceiling and pairs of columns on all four sides of the room.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk