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  • image Image 1 for SM (137) 50/1/40 (138) 50/1/27
  • image Image 2 for SM (137) 50/1/40 (138) 50/1/27
  • image Image 1 for SM (137) 50/1/40 (138) 50/1/27
  • image Image 2 for SM (137) 50/1/40 (138) 50/1/27

Reference number

SM (137) 50/1/40 (138) 50/1/27


Design for new Privy Council Offices, February 1825 (2)


137 Plan of the One Pair or Principal Floor 138 General Plan of the proposed New Council Offices &c


(137) bar scale of 1/6 inch to 1 foot (138) bar scale of 1/12 inch to 1 foot


137 as above, (in David Mocatta's hand) New Council Offices &c, labelled: (pencil) Robing Room / 10'0'' by 17'0'', (pencil) Barristers Room / 23'0'' by 17'0'', (pencil) Mr Greville / 24'0'' by 17'0'', (pencil) Mr Buller / 24'0'' by 17'0'', The / Principal / Staircase, The Lord Presidents Room / 19'0'' by 21'9'', Committee Room / 30'0'' by 21'9'', Staircase, (pencil) 10'0'' by 14'0'', (pencil) Retiring Room / 13'6'' by 17'0'', Water / Closet (twice), Ante Room / 25'0'' by 14'0'', Council Chamber / 34'9'' by 40'0'', (in George Bailey's hand) Downing Street March 1st 1825 // This Plan submitted to the Right Honbe / The Chancellor of the Exchequer and approved / by him to the end of the Council Office in / Downing Street when he directed me to / carry the plan into immediate execution 138 as above, labelled: Downing Street, (pencil) Barrister, (pencil) Mr Greville, (pencil) Mr Buller, Principal / Staircase, The Lord President's / Room, Committee Room, Staircase, Retiring Room, Water / Closet (twice), Lobby, Ante Room, Council Chamber, Mr Lushington's Stables &c, The Chancellor of the / Exchequer's Stables &c, Part of the Chancellor of the / Exchequer's House and some dimensions given, Downing Street March 1st 1825 // This Plan submitted to the Right Honbe the Chancellor of / the Exchequer and approved by him to the end of / the Council Office in Downing Street when he directed / the Plan to be carried into immediate execution, Present / Mr Herries Mr Geo Harrison / Surveyor General, Mem[orandum] - The End of the Balustrade / to the Area next the Treasury Passage / to be made square by order of the / Right Honb The Chancellor of the Exchequer / March 1825

Signed and dated

  • (137) L. I. Fields / Feby 1825 and as above ('March 1st 1825') (138) Lincolns Inn Fields / February 1825 and as above ('March 1st 1825' and 'March 1825')

Medium and dimensions

(137) Pen, pink and yellow washes, (138) pen, pink, yellow, grey and burnt umber washes, (137, 138) pricked for transfer on wove paper (528 x 721, 719 x 529)


(137, 138) Stephen Burchell (1806-?, pupil 1823-28)


(137, 138) Smith & Allnutt 1820


Drawings 137 and 138, similarly to drawings 134-136, show the Privy Council Chamber in line with the Downing Street frontage. An ante-room has been added before the Chamber, as in drawing 136, and is flanked by two short corridors on the approved designs. The building extends further into Downing Street than before so that on drawing 138 the Downing Street frontage is around 228 feet wide and the Chamber is wider than in previous drawings (see drawings 126-130 for comparison). Clearly Soane's intention was to provide Downing Street with a symmetrical frontage with a hexastyle projection at the west end of the building to match that at the east (q.v. drawing 132). Further to this, drawing 138 has an entirely new building on the south side of Downing Street which mirrors the Privy Council Offices, seen previously on drawings 131-133. Drawings 137 and 138 were presented to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and ordered to be carried into execution 'to the end of the Council Office' on 1 March 1825.
Stephen Lushington (1776-1868), Secretary to the Treasury, lived at No. 11 Downing Street, which Soane made alterations to in 1825-6 (q.v. Office of Works: London: 10-12 Downing Street: designs for alterations, 1825). George Harrison (1767-1841) was both Assistant Secretary and Auditor of the Treasury until 1826.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk