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  • image Image 1 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49
  • image Image 2 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49
  • image Image 3 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49
  • image Image 1 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49
  • image Image 2 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49
  • image Image 3 for SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49

Reference number

SM (61) 56/1/19 (62) 56/1/50 (63) 56/1/49


Working drawings for alterations to the one pair floor (No. 3), April-May 1830 (3)


61 Plan of the One Pair Floor shewing the proposed Alterations & Additions and Plan of Bed Chamber / 2 Pair Floor 62 Plan of the One Pair Floor, shewing the proposed Alterations & Additions and Plan of Bed Chamber / 2 Pair Floor 63 Plan of the One Pair Floor shewing the proposed / Alterations & Additions


(61-63) bar scales of 3/16 inch to 1 foot


61 as above, The Bank of England Branch at Manchester, No 3, labelled: Footmans Pantry (twice), Bricknogged Partition (4 times), Step, Old Sash frame / Sashes &c, Skylight, York Coping, Welch Rag Slating / See Specification, (Soane) If this communication must be / made it will be found to be extremely detrimental / in many respects & ought to be well considered / before the work is begun / J.S. / 26 May 1830 / G.B. (George Bailey), and some dimensions given; (beneath flier): Old Sash frame / Sash &c to be / reinstated, to be reinstated; (on first flier): Bed Chamber, Water / Closet, (Soane) If the Water Closet is / constructed as here / shown it will / be found extremely / inconvenient; (on second flier): (Soane) I think this alteration / will be found extremely / inconvenient 62 as above, The Bank of England Branch at Manchester, No 3, labelled: (pencil) door / with frame / as window, Bricknogged Partition (4 times), Step, Old Sash frame / Sashes &c, Skylight, York Coping, (Bailey) Welch Rag Slating / see Specification, Old Sash Frame / Sash &c to be / reinstated, to be removed, and some dimensions given 63 as above, No 3, labelled: A. Bricknogged Partition, A, York Coping, Bricknogged Partition, Welch Rag Slating / see Specification and dimensions given

Signed and dated

  • (61) Lincolns Inn Fields / April 1830 and J.S. (John Soane) / 26 May 1830 (3 times) (62) L. I. F. / April 1830 (cut off)

Medium and dimensions

(61) Pen, sepia, pink, raw Sienna, blue, grey-blue and brown madder washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper (731 x 530) with two fliers on wove paper (236 x 205, 237 x 231) (62) pen, sepia, pink, burnt Sienna, blue and grey-blue washes, pricked for transfer on thin wove paper with one fold mark (700 x 484) (63) pen, sepia, pink, raw Sienna and blue washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper with one fold mark (662 x 545)


(61) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60) (62) David Paton (1801-82, assistant 1829-30) (63) Thomas Heath, clerk of works


(61) Smith & Allnutt 1827 (63) 1827


Alterations to the one pair floor include the addition of a privy to the bed chamber and a second storey above the new kitchen buildings, coach house and stable. The Specification (drawing 56) called for a 'proper deal eaveboard to be fixed to feet of rafters of the roof of these buildings (the knife house and servants' water closet) and a piece of milled lead 9 inches wide to be fixed under the slates and dressed to board to form dripping eave' (p. 13). Soane did not approve of the variant designs for linking the footman's pantry to the rooms above the kitchen and the addition of a water closet adjoining the bed chamber (drawing 63, and fliers on drawing 61), calling these alterations 'extremely detrimental' and 'extremely inconvenient'.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk