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  • image SM (40) 56/1/46

Reference number

SM (40) 56/1/46


Unexecuted design for alterations, July 1829


40 Plan of the Ground Floor shewing the proposed Alterations


bar scale of 3/16 inch to 1 foot


as above, Bank of England Branch Manchester, labelled: Private Entrance to the Agents Residence, A, The height of this partition / to be determined by the / height of the door A, Lobby, Bank, ---- (illegible) light, Counter, Desks for 8 Clerks (twice), Book Room, Agents Private Room, 1, 2, 3, Stairs to / Strong / Room, Staircase / &c, Porters Room, Recess, Door, Footmans Room, Yard, Kitchen, Wash house / & / Scullery, Entrance, Sheds for Coals &c &c, Chancery Lane, Yard

Signed and dated

  • July 1829

Medium and dimensions

Pen, pencil, sepia, pink and yellow washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper (708 x 499)


George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60)


Smith & Allnutt


Nearly three years after the opening of the branch bank, George Bailey (Soane's assistant) drew up this design for further alterations to the premises. The proposed changes, shown in pink wash, include the addition of a new entrance with widened steps, a lobby and a partition wall, the conversion of the old kitchen into an agent's room, and the creation of a corridor from the entrance to the old warehouses at the rear. The warehouses themselves are extensively altered to contain a new kitchen, wash house and scullery, and the demolition of part of the warehouse (shown in pencil) enlarges the yard area. This design was not executed.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk