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Alternative preliminary design and design for a garden seats, 1772, unexecuted (2)


These two drawings show alternative designs for the Duke of Montagu's garden seat. Although different, both drawings share similarities with Adam's published version in The Works, the drawing for which is in the collection at the V&A Museum.

The rough preliminary design in Adam's own hand (Adam volume 4/25) shares the paired columns articulating the central apse, albeit being Doric rather than Ionic, as well as the same shaped segmental apse containing an urn on a pedestal, and with the central bay projecting and surmounted by a pediment. The design (Adam volume 30/121) makes use of the same frieze, tablet and pediment, but the apse is much wider than the engraving in The works, screened by Corinthian columns, and articulated by single Corinthian columns rather than paired Ionic (one column and one pilaster).

The garden seat was not executed. See scheme notes.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk

Contents of Alternative preliminary design and design for a garden seats, 1772, unexecuted (2)