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  • image Image 1 for SM (79) 56/12/33 (80) 56/12/34 (81) 56/12/35 (82) 56/12/39
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  • image Image 1 for SM (79) 56/12/33 (80) 56/12/34 (81) 56/12/35 (82) 56/12/39
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  • image Image 3 for SM (79) 56/12/33 (80) 56/12/34 (81) 56/12/35 (82) 56/12/39
  • image Image 4 for SM (79) 56/12/33 (80) 56/12/34 (81) 56/12/35 (82) 56/12/39

Reference number

SM (79) 56/12/33 (80) 56/12/34 (81) 56/12/35 (82) 56/12/39


Designs (with variants) for alterations to the branch bank and letter from Thomas Heath regarding Mr Welsden's proposal for alterations to the kitchen, November 1829 (3)


79 Plan of the Ground Floor shewing the Alterations and Additions / required by the Agent with flier showing a Plan for the enlargement of the Kitchen &c 80 Plan of the One Pair Floor shewing the Alterations / and Additions required by the Agent 81 Plan of the Chamber Floor 82 Plan of the kitchen on verso of a letter


(79-81) bar scales of 1/6 inch to 1 foot (82) bar scale of ? inch to 1 foot


79 as above, Norwich Branch, Design No 1, labelled: Entrance to the Bank, Porters Room, Book Room, Agents Private / Room, Bank, Servants / Hall, 12.9, Staircase to 1 P[ai]r, numbered 1-7, Pantry, Scullery, 18'0'', Kitchen, 11.6, 17.0, Water / Closet, Staircase, Staircase to / Strong Room, Private Entrance; on flier, as above, labelled: Design No 2, 2 Servants Sleeping Rooms over, Scullery, Pantry, Kitchen, Servants Hall 80 as above, Norwich Branch, labelled: WC, China Closet, Staircase, Sink, Butter Pantry, Staircase to Kitchen &c, New Marble / Chimneypiece, Bed Chamber, To be stopped up 81 as above, The Bank of England, Norwich Branch, labelled: 3.3 (twice), No 1, No 2, No 3, To be stopped up, No 4, No 5, No 6 82 To John Soane Esqr / Lincolns Inn Fields / London / Or Mr G Bailey, Single Sheet, Sir // Mr Welsden haveing (sic) been at Norwich the / 14th Just and pointing out Alterations that / he whould like to have done and which I / bleve (sic) he Mr Welsden will call on you for youre / Approbation - I bleve is the same as the accompanying Sketch - which with two Servants / Sleeping Rooms over over (sic) Kitching (sic) - / Which I thaught I had better Apprize you / have before he call on you as I bleve he / Mr Welsden will call on you to Morrow as / he left Norwich the Morning // I am Sir Your Most / Humble & Obdt Servant // Thos Heath; postage stamps: Norwich / NO15 / 1829, 16NO16 / 1829; verso, labelled: Wall A A built of flints and bath and / in a very delapedated (sic) State, A, A, Kitching, Pantry, Scullery, Back Stairs, Servants Hall

Signed and dated

  • (79) L I Fields (79, 80) 3d Novr 1829 (82) Norwich Novr 15th 1829

Medium and dimensions

(79, 80) Pen, pencil, sepia, pink and yellow washes, pricked for transfer within a double ruled border on wove paper (372 x 538, 371 x 541) and (79) flier on laid paper (150 x 161) (81) pen, sepia and pink washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper (370 x 531) (82) pen, pencil, sepia and pink washes, pricked for transfer on laid secretary paper with five fold marks and wax seal (320 x 397)


(79-81) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60) and C. J. Richardson (1809-1871, pupil and assistant 1824-1837) (82) Thomas Heath, clerk of works


(79) (flier, cut off) Britannia with lance, shield and olive branch within crowned oval (80) Smith & Allnutt 1827 (82) Joseph Coles, 1825


Alterations to the premises, shown in pink wash, include (on drawing 79) the addition of two new staircases in the former hall and kitchen, an agent's room with adjoining book room in the north east corner of the ground floor and, on the one pair floor (drawing 80) a china closet, WC and pantry at the top of the new main staircase. These alterations correspond to those shown on drawing 70. Further alterations correspond to the rough pencil lines on drawings 70-73, and include the enlargement of the back kitchen (drawing 79) and the repositioning of the scullery and pantry (drawing 79, flier), as well as the addition of a new staircase leading from the servants' hall to the one pair floor. It appears that the flier was added after the receipt of the letter from Thomas Heath (clerk of works), as the design replicates the drawing on the verso of the letter and Heath's description of 'two servants sleeping rooms over'.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk