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Survey drawings of Mr Tomlinson's premises in Castle Street and Davey Place (3)
Reference number
SM (1) 56/11/44 (2) 56/11/35 (3) 56/11/36
Survey drawings of Mr Tomlinson's premises in Castle Street and Davey Place (3)
1 Preliminary plan of the building and (verso, pencil) section
2 Site plan, elevations and section
3 Ground floor Plan of / Mr Tomlinsons Premises / back of the Inns / Norwich and Elevation / next the / back of the Inns
(1) bar scale of 1/6 inch to 1 foot (2) bar scale of 1/9 inch to 1 foot (3) bar scale of 1/7 inch to 1 foot
1 (pencil) the finishings throught / very common / the doors low, Thickness of these Walls, Cha--- (illegible) / 6.8 high, rooms labelled: Drawg Rm, Dressg / Rm, Bed Chamber, Bed Ch[amber], Cellars / 6 ft high --- / ----- ------ (illegible); (verso, pencil) Floor on level / Back Countg House, 4 higher than from / Shop, Roof of Warehouse / vy (verify ?) Height, ground rises very considerably / cellar with --- (illegible)
2 Plan of Mr Tomlinsons / Premises in Norwich, Elevation next the Castle Hill, Elevation next Davy Place, Section of the Iron Warehouse, overall plan: Site of the Dwelling House / and Shops, Gardens / and Yards, A / 9 Steps up, Iron / Warehouse, B / 9' 11" high / there are / Chambers over / this part from / B to C occupied / as Warehouses for / Iron Goods, and Hats / the Walls not plastered / and the Floor very / rough, Step C, Ground belonging to Mr Yates, Area Arch'd Cellar, Back of the Inns now call'd Castle Street, charrow Street (at 12 ft wide), Public Way from the Market to the Castle Hill, Castle Hill (twice), door / way / Brick'd / up C / K / 13, 17'5" height at A and 19'0 height at B
3 as above, Norwich - / MrTomlinson, Castle Hill, Mr Athows Premises, Back Of the Inns, Davey Place, "Dry Cellar under A / "Basement" contains Kitchen / Back Kitchen. Store Room & / Pantry with Beer & Coal Cellar / & WaterCloset / "The Chamber Floor" 2 Bed Rooms / with Dressing Rooms to each / a Drawing Room over the Shop / "Attic" 5 Bed Rooms and a / large Drying Garret in the / Roof / Built at 20 Years, plan labelled: Entrance, door, 1234, Paved Court, Garden, Binn, Privy, Yard, Door, Down to / Kitchen, Counting houses, Shop, Step (twice), Door, Stairs up to / Warehouses, Iron Warehouse A, 2 Stories of Warehouses / over this, (Dry Cellar under / this. see Letter) / 6ft high, Step 6", Brestsummer and (elevation) Warehouses
Medium and dimensions
(1) Pencil, brown pen on wove secretary paper with two fold marks (250 x 318) (2) pen, sepia, yellow, burnt Sienna and raw umber washes on wove paper with three fold marks (330 x 474) (3) pen, sepia, brown madder and green washes, pricked for transfer on stout wove paper with three fold marks (531 x 367)
(1) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60) (2-3) local surveyor and (3) some inscriptions by Bailey
(1) 1815
The frontage to Castle Street measures 58 feet, from back to front of the site measures 87 feet (next to Mr Athow's premises) and 103 feet (Davey Place). The house, shop and counting house are three bays wide and the warehouse two bays wide. The elevation shows three storeys, the top part of the drawing having been cut off above the cornice.
Mr Tomlinson was an 'iron merchant' (drawing 23).
Mr Tomlinson was an 'iron merchant' (drawing 23).
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk