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Survey drawings and rough design for alterations to Mrs Davey's premises in Davey Place (4)
Reference number
SM (22) 56/11/7 (23) 56/11/27 (24) 56/11/6 (25) 56/11/5
Survey drawings and rough design for alterations to Mrs Davey's premises in Davey Place (4)
22 Survey plan of ground floor with front and side elevations
23 Rough survey Plan of the One Pair Floor
24 Survey plan with pencilled alterations and (verso, pencil) rough plan of ? alterations
25 Perspective Sketch of Mrs Davey's Premises looking from the Castle Hill down Davey Place
(22-24) 1/8 inch to 1 foot
22 (feint pencil, some illegible) East, Brick / Yellow washed, Red Brick, Tiles in bad state, Wood Shutters, labelled: Stone, Wood, Kitchen / Paved with Stone, Parlor, Warehouse, Wood, Entrance, Living Room, area, stone, 1 Room over / Stone pavd, Yard, encircled F and some dimensions given
23 as above, labelled: Sleepg Rm / Walls plastered / -- (illegible) Skirts, Sitting Rm, The floor much / sunk, Sleeping Rm, and some dimensions given; (verso): some dimensions given
24 Plan of the Ground Floor of the Premises in Davey Place, Norwich / belonging to Mrs Davey / The Parts tinted red, are in the occupation / of Mr Yates, Premises in the occupation of Mr Tomlinson Iron Merchant &c, Road leading to the Castle Hill, the Cattle Market &c, Area, Ground stated to belong to Mrs Davey's Estate, Steps, leading through Davey Place to the Market Place, Ground stated to belong to Mrs Davey's Estate, Iron Railings, Paving over Vaults, Area, Kitchen, Staircase, Parlour, House occupied by Mrs Irving, Warehouse occupied by Mr Yates, Store Room, Pantry &c, Scullery, Passage, Kitchen, Arched / (very Damp), Entrance, Door, Yard paved with pebbles (the Ground falls considerably towards Gates A, Wooden Gates A, Stable, Coach houses / these & the Lofts over used as Warehouses for Earthernware Slabs &c, Wood Buildings / used as / Workshops &c, by a Coach Maker, Cottages, A narrow Street, and dimensions given, (added later in pencil) Bank, Porter. Books, Agent, F / 3 and (pencil) D and encircled F
25 as above and (pencil) D and encircled F
Medium and dimensions
(22) Pen and pencil, pricked for transfer on stout wove paper with four fold marks (374 x 540) (23) pencil, pricked for transfer on laid secretary paper with three fold marks (314 x 455) (24) pen, black, grey, pink and blue washes, pricked for transfer within double-ruled border on wove paper (533 x 375) (25) pen, burnt Sienna, burnt umber and blue-grey washes within double-ruled border on wove paper (252 x 346)
(22-25) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60)
(22) Smith & Allnutt 1823 (23) John Fellows 1805 (sic) and post horn with crowned cartouche and JF below
The drawings show a rather ad hoc arrangment of houses, warehouse, stables and coach houses with a large yard between that reflects the character of an area with a number of coaching inns. The yard of the King's Head Inn had been widened to create Davey Place, a pedestrian way between the market and the Back of the Inns. It was built in 1812 by Jonathan Davey (1760-1814) of Eaton (Old) Hall, Norwich. A plaque in Davey Place commemorates his achievement. The Mrs Davey referred to on the drawings was presumably Jonathan Davey's widow. The pencilled suggestions on drawing 24 show that part of the existing yard and stables at the rear were considered as a possible site for the branch bank. As with the other properties that were surveyed, the idea was rejected in favour of premises in Queen Street (q.v.).
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk