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Survey plans and elevation, with memorandum, of Farrer Williamson & Co.'s premises in Albion Street, December 1826-January 1827 (4)
Reference number
SM (17) 56/7/12 (18) 56/7/11 (19) 56/7/13 (20) 56/7/10
Survey plans and elevation, with memorandum, of Farrer Williamson & Co.'s premises in Albion Street, December 1826-January 1827 (4)
17 Plan of the Basement Story of the / Premises in Albion Street Leeds belonging / to Messrs Farrer Williamson & Co
18 Plan of the Premises in Albion Street Leeds belonging to Messrs Farrer Williamson & Co
and Elevation ofg the Front next Albion Street
19 Plan of the One Pair Floor of Messrs Farrer Williamson & Co Premises in / Albion Street Leeds
20 Memo relating to the Premises in Albion Street / Leeds belonging to Messrs Farrer Williamson / & Co
(17-19) bar scales of 1/6 inch to 1 foot
17 as above, labelled: Coal Vaults, Kitchen / 15.4 by 15.0, Cistern, Sink, Safe Room, Stair Ladder / 2.0½", Pantry &c, Staircase, Earth, Arched Cellar, no cellar under these / Rooms, Coal Cellar, Arched Cellar, Cellar and dimensions given
18 as above, Front extends 30 feet, Bank Street, Premises belonging to / Mr Teale, Premises belonging / to Mr Faber, labelled: Bank Room / 10.9 high, 23'.11", 15'.1", Folding Doors, Paved Passage leading to Yard &c, Entrance / to / Strong Room, Parlor, Buildings 2 Stories high / paved with Stone, Stairs to / Chambers, 2 Stories & / Cellar, Paved Yard, Entrance to / a Cellar, Wall 5.6 high, Garden (twice), Greenhouse, Wall at 13 ft high, Wall at 10 ft high, Warehouse / 2 Stories & Cellars, Pantry, Kitchen / Bedchamber over, Steps to Chamber, (of elevation) Stone and dimensions given
19 as above, Bank Street, Bed Chamber (4 times), Warehouse and dimensions given
20 as above, These Premises consist of a plot of Ground / containing about 360 Square Yards extending / from Albion Street to Bank Street of which about / 237 Yards are covered with Buildings of the / description and dimensions shewn in the / accompanying Sketches. // The Premises have a frontage next Albion Street / of 30 feet. // The Buildings generally are rather slightly / constructed and the finishings are those of an / ordinary dwelling house for which purpose it / was originally erected; - it has within the / last 4 Years been converted into a Banking House / but it does not appear that any particular / attention has been given to the security of the / Premises beyond the forming of a small Safe Room / in the Basement which is accessible only by / means of an aperture in the Floor of the Bank / Room shewn in the Plan. // The several Buildings are in a tolerably good / state as to substantial repair but require / Painting, Papering and Whitewashing throughout. // The (verso) The Premises are stated to be Freehold / for which the sum of Two Thousand Five / Hundred Pounds is asked, exclusive of the / Fittings which have been put up for the / purposes of the Banking business, which are / not however of an expensive description
Signed and dated
- badly-nested tags: br
Medium and dimensions
(17) Pen, warm sepia and blue washes, pricked for transfer within double-ruled border on laid paper (528 x 370) (18) pen, warm sepia, blue, blue-grey, burnt umber, yellow and green washes, pricked for transfer within single-ruled border on wove paper (531 x 369) (19) pen and warm sepia wash, pricked for transfer within double-ruled border on wove paper (530 x 369) (20) brown pen on laid secretary paper with four fold marks (320 x 403)
(17-20) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant, 1806-37, curator 1837-60)
(17) Weatherley & LA / 1818 (20) Fellows 1825 and Britannia holding lance and olive branch within crowned oval
The site is 30 feet wide and about 97 feet from front to back. Built as a dwelling house and later converted into a bank with a strong room in the basement reached by a trap door and a 'ladder staircase'. The original entrance appears to have been made into a window and the entrance is now via 'folding doors' in the 'Paved Passage leading to Yard &c' so that security is poor.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk