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Specification of Repairs / &c to be done at the Bank of England Branch / at Swansea
Reference number
SM (20) 56/6
Specification of Repairs / &c to be done at the Bank of England Branch / at Swansea
20 Specification
Signed and dated
- 4th August 1830
(20) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60)
G&R Turner 1829
The specification is subdivided into 209 numbered clauses detailing room by room repairs, alterations and works to be done at the Swansea branch bank. Clauses 1-92 relate to the exterior of the bank, and mostly amount to repairs to guttering, roofing and walls, for example (clause) 1. Examine and make good the defective Slates, / Solder Gutters, relay Lead and make good / Flashing round Chimney Shaft and (clause) 8. Rake out the Joints and point the Brickwork / of Gable and return Wall from top to Gutter / and fix a course of Slate 2 feet wide bedded / in Aberthawe Mortar as Flashing // Paint the Frame and Sash Door to roof 3 Oils / inside and out. Also, 64. Take up the Paving of Terrace and lay down new / flagging in lieu thereof of the same description, with / a proper current;- insert a proper Cast Iron Pipe with / a Grate over the top thereof in the Wall, to convey the / Water from the Terrace into the drain under the / Footpath and clean out the said Drain // 65. Repair the Stonework of Steps to Terrace and to doorway / of Bank and point the same where necessary with / Roman Cement - Put new Step at Doorway to / Bank 4'4'' long, 15'' x 6'', properly wrought & moulded.
Clauses 93-196 concern the bank's interior, listing repairs to window sashes, furniture and fireplaces, cleaning locks and repainting, for example Best Bed Chamber // 95. Repair Sash Frame put new Oak Sill, Ease Sash / take out broken pane of Glass and put in new one // 96. Repair Floor, and margin round Slab;- take / down and repair, and re-set marble Chimney piece / put new Cast Back to Grate,- Clean and repair / Lock and lacquer the Brass Furniture, / Wash, stop & white Ceiling and Cornice // 97. Paper the Walls with Paper of the value of 8d pr yd / including hanging and Border of the value of 2½d pr yd / including hanging // Woodwork to be painted 3 Oils.
Clauses 197-199 are headed General, and read: 197. Examine and repair and clean the Drains / throughout - the Cesspools in Garden, Scullery & / Stable Yard and form a new Drain from Cesspool / by Steps into the Drain from Stable // 198. To Examine, repair, and ease all the Bellpulls / after the several Works are completed // 199. To remove all rubbish of every description from / the Premises after the completion of the Works.
Clauses 200-209 deal with more substantial buidling work and additions, e.g. Alteration of Harness Room &c // 206. To remove the Partitions in the Hay loft which / enclose the Harness Room, and the covering thereto / cut a doorway and provide & fix a Door frame / with Sash over the same and a 1½ In Deal / 4 pane Door hung thereto to communicate / with the Steps leading from Stable Yard to Kitchen / - provide and fix Fir Quarter Partition, the / head & sill 4'' x 3'', the quarter 4'' x 2½'' with / proper Braces, to enclose a space for Harness / 16ft by 10ft and board the same with Inch deal / ploughed and tongued boarding - form Ceiling / thereto, the Joists to be 4'' x 2'', properly lathed & / Plastered with 2 Coat Plastering & whitened / - refix Saddle Trees, Harness Pegs, Shelves & Rails / and Paint the whole 3 oils // A Lock to be fixed on the door of the value of / 5/0- the Sash over the door to be hung on centres / and bolt fixed thereon.
The Specification is signed after clause 200 J.S., and dated.
The clause numbers in the Specification correspond to the numbers given on drawings 12 and 13.
Clauses 93-196 concern the bank's interior, listing repairs to window sashes, furniture and fireplaces, cleaning locks and repainting, for example Best Bed Chamber // 95. Repair Sash Frame put new Oak Sill, Ease Sash / take out broken pane of Glass and put in new one // 96. Repair Floor, and margin round Slab;- take / down and repair, and re-set marble Chimney piece / put new Cast Back to Grate,- Clean and repair / Lock and lacquer the Brass Furniture, / Wash, stop & white Ceiling and Cornice // 97. Paper the Walls with Paper of the value of 8d pr yd / including hanging and Border of the value of 2½d pr yd / including hanging // Woodwork to be painted 3 Oils.
Clauses 197-199 are headed General, and read: 197. Examine and repair and clean the Drains / throughout - the Cesspools in Garden, Scullery & / Stable Yard and form a new Drain from Cesspool / by Steps into the Drain from Stable // 198. To Examine, repair, and ease all the Bellpulls / after the several Works are completed // 199. To remove all rubbish of every description from / the Premises after the completion of the Works.
Clauses 200-209 deal with more substantial buidling work and additions, e.g. Alteration of Harness Room &c // 206. To remove the Partitions in the Hay loft which / enclose the Harness Room, and the covering thereto / cut a doorway and provide & fix a Door frame / with Sash over the same and a 1½ In Deal / 4 pane Door hung thereto to communicate / with the Steps leading from Stable Yard to Kitchen / - provide and fix Fir Quarter Partition, the / head & sill 4'' x 3'', the quarter 4'' x 2½'' with / proper Braces, to enclose a space for Harness / 16ft by 10ft and board the same with Inch deal / ploughed and tongued boarding - form Ceiling / thereto, the Joists to be 4'' x 2'', properly lathed & / Plastered with 2 Coat Plastering & whitened / - refix Saddle Trees, Harness Pegs, Shelves & Rails / and Paint the whole 3 oils // A Lock to be fixed on the door of the value of / 5/0- the Sash over the door to be hung on centres / and bolt fixed thereon.
The Specification is signed after clause 200 J.S., and dated.
The clause numbers in the Specification correspond to the numbers given on drawings 12 and 13.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
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