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Designs for alterations, Temple Street (2)
Reference number
SM (12) 56/5/10 (13) 56/5/8
Designs for alterations, Temple Street (2)
12 Plan shewing the Alterations &c required by the Agent, & various repairs &c included / in Specification and Estimate by Mr Richards
13 Roof plan
(12) bar scale of ? inch to 1 foot (13) to a scale
12 as above, NSEW compass point, labelled: The Bank of England Branch Swansea, Mr Edmond's Premises, (201), Warehouse, Theatre, Stable, Proposed Harness / Room over / Stable / (206), door, Stable Yard, Coals, Bricknogged Part. (twice), Cart Shed, Carriage / House, Old Gates to be rehung, Cistern & (90) / Sink (158), Wash house / Scullery &c, Pantry / & / Larder, Lobby, Proposed / Housekeeper's / Room / (204), (pencil) B., Kitchen, Chy, Stairs to Bed Chamber, Parlour, Bookcase (twice), Chy, Safe, Strong Room, Iron / door, Chy, Cash / Room, Porters / Bed, New Stand / for / Scales 195, Footman's / Pantry / New Floor & / Joists (148), Private / Entrance / Hall, Agents Private / Room / 14.2 by 21.10, Chy, Recess, W.C., Desk (twice), Counter, Chy (twice), Bank / 19.7 by 17.10, door, Swing door, door, Terrace, (New Paving the old to be applied in making / (64) good in various places, Take up / Paving relay / & make good / with the best / pieces from / Terrace, (pencil) A., 202, Proposed / New doorway, Marble Squares to be taken up / and the good ones applied to / reinstate such as are broken / in the Bank Passage (132), Best Staircase / New dressed & rubbed Paving / throughout, New / Stove, 203, Brick Paving to be taken up / and the best pieces of Paving from / Staircase to be laid here 133 & 137, Privy, Larder, Steps down / to Cellar, Drawing Room, Chy, Coach / house, Miss Williams Premises, Low Building / Slated Roof, Yard, Garden, Paving to / be laid here / (50), Mem Nothing to be done / as respects the Works connected / with the Alterations marked / 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 & 209 / in the Specification till further / orders are given
13 NSEW compass point, labelled : Mr Edmonds Premises, Roof of Mr Edmonds / Warehouse, 3.0 below / Wall A, New Cistern, 17'0'' Supr Slates to be used again / the remainder to shed in yard / as far as may be proper, New Roof. Timber & Slates (twice), Stable Yard, This Roof to be Slated with the best / of the Slates to be taken off the several / Roofs, Chy (8 times), Examine & make good defective Slates Solder Gutter, Make good a few defective / Slates, Take off Copi[n]g put Lead / & reset, Take off Slates take up & Exchange Lead of Gutter for new / 24 ft in length, Wood Coping to be covered with / Lead, Repair Slating where defective, Take up & Exchange Lead put new Gutter board & bearers, Make good a few defective Slates, Change this Lead. Average width 1'6'' now only 1'0''. Repair Cornice, Take off this Roof put new Timber & new Slating / the Old Slates to be used for New Sheds in Stable Yard, Fasten loose Slates, Change Lead of Gutter, Exchange Lead for new 1'9'' wide, Repair, New Trough, Put Lead on this Ridge, Rebuild / & put flashing (twice), Put Lead on Cornice, Exchange Lead of Gutter or Trough 1.6 wide, New Iron Pipe, Strip off Lead put new Ridge Piece & new Lead to Ridge, B. Wall to be raised, Yard, Miss Williams, Shed Roof / about / 3.0 below / Wall B.
Signed and dated
- (12) Lincolns Inn Fields / 31 July 1830
Medium and dimensions
(12) Pen, sepia, pink, terre verte, grey and caput washes, pricked for transfer on wove paper with single-ruled border (404 x 533) (13) pencil and grey washes, labelled in pen, pricked for transfer on wove paper (360 x 532)
(12-13) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60)
(13) Smith & Allnutt 1827
The 'specification' mentioned in drawing 12 can be found in SM 56/6, entitled Specification of Works to be done at the Bank of England Premises at Swansea and dated 4 August 1830. The same document also corresponds to the labelling on drawing 13.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk