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  • image Image 1 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5
  • image Image 2 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5
  • image Image 3 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5
  • image Image 1 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5
  • image Image 2 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5
  • image Image 3 for SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5

Reference number

SM (1) 56/5/3 (2) 56/5/4 (3) 56/5/5


Rough survey plans of Burrows Lodge (3)


1 Plan of the Basement 2 Plan of Ground Fl[oor] and details 3 Sketch of the One Pair Floor of Burrows Lodge


(1) bar scale of ? inch to 1 foot (2-3) to a scale


1 as above, labelled: No Cellar under / this Part, Kitchen, Range, Oven, Hotplate, Arched Passage, Covered Area, Open Area (twice), Sert Hall, Wine Cellar / Arched, Passage, Scullery &c, Oven, Door, Dairy, Steps up, Low Wall, Kitchen / Range, Dry Area, Cellar, Pantry?, Covered Area, verso: 70 Yards to Bound[ar]y of New / Walk / Road each side / 30 yds 1 building / 50 another / 9 Yds Road 2 as above, labelled: Windows down to / the ground, Elliptic Arch, Dining Room, Deal floor, Walls Stucco / Marble Chy Devonshire / Black Slate / M Door 9 P. ea side / Plaster Dado / ----- (illegible) finishing, Battened Wall, Hall, Paved with / Stone / Diamonds, Servt Bed Chr, Press &c, Butler / Pan[tr]y, Bed R[oo]m, Steps to K[itchen], Devonshire Marble Chy / Wood dressing / Walls Painted, Window / 4 ft from Floor, Paved with Stone, Skylight / Coved Ceiling / Stained by / Water, 22 Rise, Stone Steps / Rise 7' each, to top of Landing / 12.10 ¾, Blank Door, No Door (twice), Chy, Library, Windows / 2.1 from Floor / W backs flush w / Walls / Deal Floor Pl Plaster Cornice, 9.1 high to / top of Cornice, External Wall / Rough Cast. Grass up to Windows, Area, Coved Ceilg, Arch, Batt[ene]d / Wall, Drawing Room, Deal Floor, Dado / Blue Paper / fret Mold[in]g, Deal Floor / Dado / Walls ---- / ------- (illegible), B. Steps to the Basemt under / there, Landing, Door, Wall 5.2 high from top / of Plinth, Windows 10ft high / down to the grass 10.4 / in the front / Mahogany Sashes & ---- and dimensions given 3 as above, labelled: Porch, Nursery, Sink / House Maid / Closet / wh Cistern / over, China, --- (illegible) Skully, Arch, Shelf, Cistern, M--- (illegible) / 2 Steps ab[o]v[e] A., Door, Arch (twice), Ceiling / Pl[aster] Cove, Drawing Room, Closet, each Pane 1.8 high / Chamber, No Shutters A. B., 5 Rooms in Roof / approachable only from / Back Stair A.

Signed and dated

  • (3) Augt 21 1826

Medium and dimensions

(1) Pencil, shaded on wove paper with four fold marks (368 x 224) (2) pencil on laid secretary paper with four fold marks (315 x 204) (3) pencil and pen on wove paper with five fold marks (369 x 224)


(1-3) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant 1806-37, curator 1837-60)


(1, 3) R Barnard 1825, crowned roundel (2) Britannia holding lance, shield and olive branch within crowned oval


These three drawings show rough initial survey plans of the property known as Burrows Lodge. It can be reasonably assumed that all three drawings were made on 21 August 1826, despite only drawing 3 being dated. Drawing 2 includes a small sectional drawing of a coved ceiling with measurements and freehand plan details of the elliptical arch over the front entrance.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk