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Survey drawings of cottages, November 1828 (3)
Reference number
SM (10) 56/9/11 (11) 56/9/12 (12) 56/9/10
Survey drawings of cottages, November 1828 (3)
10 Plan and section of cottages and block elevations of buildings behind the cottages beyond the bank and facing St John's Lane
11 Plan and section of the Cottages belonging to the Govr(Governor) & Comy (Company) of the Bank of England adjoining the Premises in Northgate Street and block elevations of buildings behind the cottages beyond the bank. A re-drawn version of drawing 10 with (verso) the addition of a letter from J.Pepper
12 Plan of This space to be levelled / with a proper current / to drain in centre and block part-elevations of buildings behind the cottages and elevations of Old Wall of Cottage(s) / to be made good / & pointed
(10-12) bar scale of ? inch to 1 foot
10 as above,labelled: C D E G, Adjoining Buildings behind Cottages (twice), Line of Pavement C, Wall 8 ft high, Wall 12'.0" high, Plain Tile / roof over D, Section on the lines A.B. shewing / also new Brickwork of G.G. and / Iron railings and Iron ---- / height of floor, Line of Pavement C.C.C., Outlet D. / to Cottage pulled / down, roof over D; note: The part D. coloured blue I have learned was / formerly a Coach house or part of a Coach house / when the whole of Bank Premises was the Swan / Inn ^ it was then and is now a part of Bank Premises although over hung entirely by / the roof D.D. of adjoining old Building being entirely / over it there is a room in this part of the roof / it has no bearing but by the beam laid on / wall to E. Mr Hunt examined this place when / at Gloucester; plan labelled Closet (4 times), open / shed (4 times), The Lines F.F. the first steps / down to Cellars, Parallel line with Entrance Passage / as drawing sent and dimensions given
11 as above, St Johns Lane, NSEW compass point, labelled: as drawing 10; note: The part D coloured blue I have learned was / formerly a Coach House or part of Coach House when / it was then and is now over hung entirely by the / roof D. D. of adjoining old building - there is a / room in this part of the roof - it has no bearing / but by the beam laid on wall E.E. Mr Hunt / examined this place when at Gloucester. - The / Privys are built under it; labelled as drawing 10 and (verso, stamped for postage 1828 / STER / 29 and illegible), wafer over sealing wax Surveyors Office // Bank of England / London // Single Sheet // Gloucester Nov. 29. 1828 // Sir // The subjoined Plan of Cottages with / slight Elevation of adjoining buildings / put to scale as nearly as I can get the dimensions / will I hope be satisfactory // In answer to your last respecting repairs of / Cottages I have to say I misunderstood your former / letter and in answer only stated such items that / were necessary for the "preservation of the Buildings / if however it should be determined to put the / Cottages in "complete repair' the expence will not / be less that sixty Pounds for reparir only leaving / out the alterations that may be thought proper / to be done to Nos 3 & 4 the roofs are in tolerable / good repair - the Ceilings and Walls will want / making good in many places whitewashing and Colouring / the Joiners work beside what is already enumerated / would be no great deal - the Painting inside will / be necessary to be done twice and the Brickwork / in some few places repairing // Mr Cooke is a respectable Mason and Builder in Gloucester / and is doing the Masons work for Mr Martyn he has / done the Coping to old roof which was ordered by Mr / Soanes letter of the 5th Sep last a copy of his account you / had up I have since been obliged to have some little done / by a mason and have employed him // The area windows to Basement room or Porters Room / as shewn circular on Plans are the windows refered to / the necessity for Iron grating or Iron railing is more perhaps / to prevent accidents than for Protection if you remember / I asked you the question before I left London and you wished me to write about it // I am // Sir // yours & truly // J Pepper
12 as above, Bank of England Branch Gloucester, St John's Lane (twice), depth of / The footings to be determined / by the present Walls, Depth of footings to be determined by those of the / adjoining Walls (twice), Present line of Paving, chy breasts to be / cut away and some dimensions given
Signed and dated
- badly-nested tags: br
Medium and dimensions
(10) Pen, sepia, pink, yellow, warm sepia and blue washes, pricked for transfer on thin wove paper with four fold marks (461 x 547) (11) pen, sepia, pink, yellow, warm sepia and blue washes, pricked for transfer on thin wove paper with five fold marks (441 x 545) (12) pen, sepia and pink washes, hatching, pricked for transfer on thin wove paper with four fold marks (580 x 546)
(10, 11) J. Pepper, surveyor (12) George Bailey (1792-1860, pupil then assistant, 1806-37, curator 1837-60)
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk