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Specification for 'finishing' (with marginal details) accompanying SM 73/3/33, SM 73/3/34, SM 73/3/35, SM 73/3/36, SM 73/3/37, SM 73/3/38, SM 73/3/39 and SM 73/3/40 for tender, 2 May 1791 or before
Reference number
SM 73/3/2
Specification for 'finishing' (with marginal details) accompanying SM 73/3/33, SM 73/3/34, SM 73/3/35, SM 73/3/36, SM 73/3/37, SM 73/3/38, SM 73/3/39 and SM 73/3/40 for tender, 2 May 1791 or before
The written specification has reduced versions of the details (SM 73/3/33, SM 73/3/34, SM 73/3/35, SM 73/3/36, SM 73/3/37, SM 73/3/38, SM 73/3/39 and SM 73/3/40) numbered No:I to No:IX in the left-hand margin
(first page) bar scale of ½ inch to 1 foot labelled: Scale to the parts marked A; (second page) bar scale of ¾ inch to 1 foot marked B and bar scale of 1 inch to 1 foot; (five pages in all)
Particulars of the finishing intended for the / several Parts of Norwich Castle //
The Cells for the Women Felons are to be paved with Yorkshire Stone laid in Mortar (pencil revision) Brick / on edge paving, those one the First Story are to / have a Yorkshire Step in the Doorway which with the Levels / of the paving are shewn in the Margin and by the Section / A. N:I. //
The Windows are to have whole deal bead flush and / square Shutters hung with strong three Inch Butts (hinges) and / Screws in an Oak Frame wrought and rebated, and / secured by two large Oak Buttons as shewn in the / Margin and in the Drawing A.N:II. //
The Doors are to be of three inch Oak in two / thicknesses with Iron plating one twelth of an Inch / thick screwed in between. The top and bottom of the / Doors are to have mitred Clamps and the upright Battens / to be dovetail'd therein and rebated, each Door to be / bolted together with twenty Iron bolts a quarter of an / Inch diameter, the Heads three quarters of an Inch / and let in flush with the Face of the Doors, the Heads / next the Passages to be screwed on, and the Groove of the / Screw head closed and filed down; these Doors are to be / hung with Hinges made to a Pattern as shewn in the / Margin and in the Drawings B.N:II to be fastened with a / Dog (fixing device) in the middle betwext (sic) the Hinges, and with strong / Bolts secured by Mortice Locks as shown in the Margin / and drawing B.and.C.N:II. //
A small Grating is to be introduced in the Doors / framed with a Iron frame two Inches and an half / wide and three eights thick tongued and screwed into / the doors and two wrought Iron Bars Inch square / framed therein. These Gratings are to have three quarter / deal clamped Shutters to run in an Oak Groove, with / a lifter (latch?)and small Pin and chain, as shown in the / Margin and in the Drawing mark'd B.N:I. //
The Passages to be paved with Yorkshire paving / Stone. (pencil revision) Brick on edge The air holes in the Floor are to be secured with / Cast Iron Bars three Inches wide and five eights / thick as shown in the Margin and Drawing No:III. framed / into a Cast Iron Frame 1½In by 3/8 toothed into Bond Stones / in the side Wall, and into a Purbec[k] Portland Cill / eight Inches square joggled together. //
The end Windows or Loop holes on the second Story / are to have ¼In Oak Venetian Shades grooved into an / Oak Frame 6In by 2" fixed flush with the inside of / the Wall as shewn in the Margin and Drawing N:IV. / and cramped to the Stone. //
The Sinks in the Angles of the Passages are / to be of Purbec[k] Portland, with brass Grates and lead / Sewer Pipes soldered into the Rain Water Pipes, of / the figure and dimensions described in the Margin //
The Necessaries at the end of the Passages are / to house Cast Iron Basons of the figure and Dimen- / sions exhibited in the Margin and drawing N:V. / the Water from the Gutters is to be conveyed into a // Cistern over Closets, and from thence by a Cast / Iron Waste Pipe three Inches diameter into the soil / Pipe of the same Metal and 3½In diameter the Bason is to be cleaned as occasion may require by the Water / conveyed through an Inch and quarter lead pipe / soldered into the Bottom of the Cistern, discharged / behind a Brass lip on the Bason, and to be shut off / by a Stop Cock with a pipe Key as shewn in the / Margin and Drawing N:V. //
The Seats are to be of 1½In Oak with mitred / clamped flap and frame, the Riser of Yorkshire / Paving. The doors are to be 1½In deal two pannel / square hung with three inch Butts and to have / a thumb latch and a strong Door spring. A lead / Stink trap to be fixed at the bottom of each soil pipe / as shewn in the Margin. //
The Day Rooms and Lodging Rooms on / the Ground Story are to be paved withYorkshire (pencil revision) Brick on edge / Paving, those above the Ground Story are to have 1½In / English oak rough Floors, the Edges shot and laid / with Iron Dowells 2" Oak champhered Fillets scribed / to the Walls and Floor and screwed down with / strong 2½In Screws let in flush //
In the margin, the drawing for a window has been cancelled and a pencil sketch and partly illegible note added by Soane: Windows Oak Solid frames / sashes Ventilators / plate from / 18 Inches / Diameter, drawing labelled open //
The Windows are to be enclosed with wrought / Iron Sashes the outer Bars 1¼" by 3/8", the filling in / Bars 1¼" by 1/8 the Rebates for the Glass are to be formed / with a composed Metal from-------foundry in / London soldered on the Bars, the square parts of the / Sashes are to turn on Centers in the Manner of a / Venetian Blind by the Action of three Wrought Iron / levers 5/8 by 3/8 connected and worked by an Iron Rod (this paragraph cancelled in pencil and also the related drawing in the margin) // ¾" by 3/8" which is to be confined down when the Sashes / are open by a Hook in the Wall the Heads of these Sashes / are to be circular and to have a Copper Ventilator eighteen / Inches and the Sash frames are to be wrought / Iron 1¼" by 3/8 secured by Toothings into the Walls as / shewn more fully in the Margin and drawing N:VI. // In the margin, a pencil note and sketch by Soane: Oak Solid frame in / three parts, one third / near jamb / to open, oak --- bars / between, & to keep the / Glass small, a Ventilator / as above made of / Plate Iron 18 in / diam. // The Doorways are to have 2" Oak wrought doors / framed bead flush on both sides, and hung with 4" / Butts (butt hinges) and dogs (a type of fastener) in Oak Doorcases 6 inches by 4 inches / wrought framed and rebated with 9 inch Toothings cramped to the Bond Stones and secured with strong Mortice double bolted Locks. // All the external Doorways and Doorways to / Staircases and Passages are to have the like Doors / (the following text cancelled with large pencil X) and also Iron Gates as shews in the Drawi[ng] / No: VII the Standards 1½" Squares, the framing and Bars / 1¼" Square the Top Rails 2¼ by 3/8 the Standards to / be braced with 1¼In Bars, all to be let into the Bond / Stones alread work'd in the Walls and the / Standards and Braces footed into a Purbec[k] Portland / Step eight Inches by ten Inches, the Width of the / opening and eighteen Inches by ten Inches to receive / the Braces, all the new Work to be cramped to the / old. These Gates are to turn in a Thimble morticed / into the Stone Cill, and secured by a fine warded (*) / strong double ^bolted Mortice Gate Lock, and with a diagona[l] / Locking Bar In 1¼ square to turn on a Center into a / Strop on each upright Bar and locked to the Bond / Stone by a fine Warded Strong Padlock with a / jointed hasp and Staples as shewn in the Drawing / No:VII. // * A type of lock: 'wards are short pieces of thin plate iron, rivetted on the uppe or lower plate, near the keyhole, and round which the slits in the key work.' (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume V) The Arcades, Staircases and Passages / are to be paved as the Day Rooms, but the Windows / are not to be enclosed either with Sashes or Shutters / The Staircases are to be executed as shewn by the / several drawings with the description thereon. // The Reception Room, Bath Room or / [space] Washouse and Lobby are to be finished / as the day Rooms before described on The Ground / Story. // The Keepers and Turnkeys Apartments / The Windows and Doors to be finished as the upper Lodging / Rooms and the Walls plaistered to a plain ¼" deal Skirting / eight Inches deep, the Floors are to be of yellow ^ whole deal laid / folding free from Sap and well nailed and not more than / four boards in a fold, mitred borders round the Slabs / and plain fillets round the Stone of the Chimnies with / 1½" deal molded Chimney Shelf and Moldings under the / same. // The Kitchen to be lined (pencil, Soane) ^ as high as the windows with ¾ deal wrought / rebated and beaded and capped with Slit deal (*). The (pencil, Soane) high / ^ of the windows doors to the Keepers Apartments to be similar to those / of the Prisoners Lodging Rooms. // * 'slit deal' A name for 1¼ in. deal cut into two leaves or made into two boards (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume VII) The Chapel Floor, Windows and Doors as / the Lodging Rooms, the Walls (pencil,Soane) Lime whitened lined four feet high with / Matting and (pencil, Soane) ceiling to be plaistered with common lath and plaister / sett and whitened // The Committee Room to have yellow whole deal / folded (*) floor as the Keepers Apartments, Walls rendered / to a plain Inch deal skirting eight Inches wide, Doors / and Windows and Chimney Piece as Kitchen and / Keepers Apartments // *'in folding floors the boards, as A and B, are first nailed at such a distance that the intermediate boards cannot be got in except by great force. ... W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume III) All the Walls throughout the Prison not described / to be plaistered are to be twice lime washed, the Ceilings / under Boarded Floors are to be finished with Common / Lath and Plaister whitened (pencil, Soane) and filled in between the / Cieling & floor with dry Sand or Sawdust // All the Wood and Iron work is to be painted three times in Oil. // All the Oak to be used is to be the Growth of this / Country dry well seasoned and free from Sap the / Ironwork to be done with the best Swedish wrought / Iron close hammered. // The Male and Female Debtors Courts / are to be separated by open double fencing for the Purpose of Ventilation so constructed as to prevent each description / of Prisoners from seeing into the adjoining Courts as / shewn in the Margin and Drawing NoVIII The top rail of this / Fencing is to be an 8" Oak Arris Rail toothed 13" into Bond / Stones in the Wall at each end - the uprights on one side / are to be 8" Oak Arris Bars three inches apart tenen'd [tenoned] / Inch and a half into the top Rail and two inches into a / Purbec[k] Portland Curb 16" wide and the height of the Plinth / of the present Building joggled together - The Bars / on the other side are to be of 3" Oak nine inches wide and / seven inches as under framed into the Top rail and / Stone Plinth in like Manner and run with Lead. / The Gates between these Courts are to be framed of Oak / in like Manner as the Fences, hung with strong collared / hinges to go across the Gates and bolted through the top / and bottom rails, each Gate to be secured by a fine warded / Mortice Lock. // The Privies are to be built with brick the Foundation / (if not done) is to be 18 Inches below the level of the Ground. Floor 3 Bricks at bottom equally diminished on both / sides in three Courses to two Bricks and continued that height / to the Coping which is to be of Purbec[k] Portland 2':2" wide / at the bottom and eight Inches thick throated on both / sides and sawn to an Arris at top to prevent escape and / joggled together. Each side of the Privies is to have a Vacuity / left for the admission of Air immediately under the Coping / which is to be formed by a Stone Cill 18 Inches wide at bottom / six Inches thick the top champhered down three inches from / the inside towards the external side as shown in the / Margin and drawing No:VIII. The top of the Privies to be / flat covered with 7lb (pound) Lead on Inch yellow Boarding Fir / Rafters five Inches by three Inches and plates dovetailed / at the Angles seven Inches by three Inches the Water to / be brought down by a five inch deal Water trunk within / the Privies into the Cesspool, the lead to turn up four / inches agianst the walls with flashings four inches / wide dressed over the same. / The Seats to be of 1¼" Oak with champ'd [chamfered] flaps and / frame hung with 2½ Butts and the Risers to be of / Yorkshire Paving Stone. The doors and dooorcases to be / similar to those before described for the Women Felons / Necessaries. The Ceiling to be plaistered the Walls / lime whited and the Floor paved with Yorkshire / paving. // The Entrance Court is to be separated from The / Male debtors Court by a Screen Wall as shewn in the / Margin and Drawing No:IX the foundation of which (if not already done) is to be at least two feet below the level of / the Ground Floor of the New Building and to have a footing / three Bricks and an half at bottom equally and gradually / diminished on both sides in the height of these courses / to two Bricks and continued that thickness above the / Plinth which is to be Purbec[k] Portland to the Coping / Plinth which is to be Purbec[k] Portland two feet wide throated on / both sides and twelve inches thick the top Sawn to / an Arris to prevent Escapes worked with a Champher / and joggled together. The Frontispiece and Key / Stones are to be of Purbec[k] Portland agreeable to the / Drawing and Sketch in the Margin with Purbec[k] / Portland Step eight inches wide and six Inches thick / joggled into the bond Stones. The door is to be of / three Inch Oak in two thicknesses to be made hung / and secured in the same manner as the Doors / before described for the Women felons cells. The Apertures over the door is to be filled in with Iron work similar to that in the Windows of the present / Building. // (Pencil notes by Soane) omit the door but put / in hooks to hang it here / after // The several Courts or Yards are to be / levelled and covered with Gravel laid with proper / Currents Water Courses and Sink Stones into / the Drains. The several Landings on the First Second and / Attic Stories leading to the Women Felons Cells / are to be divided from the Passages by Iron work / and Gates similar to those described to secure the / External doorways and Staircases. (Pencil note, partly illegible, and rough details added by Soane) Well in debtors Court yard / in the Center of the partition / 6' feet Depth Circular / top & bottom / bedded in Clay and / worked 9 in[ch] in / --- as and From Gratting to ----- windows / of Cellers of ---- from --- ¼ Sqre[square] / placed angleway 4 in[ch] between
The Windows are to be enclosed with wrought / Iron Sashes the outer Bars 1¼" by 3/8", the filling in / Bars 1¼" by 1/8 the Rebates for the Glass are to be formed / with a composed Metal from-------foundry in / London soldered on the Bars, the square parts of the / Sashes are to turn on Centers in the Manner of a / Venetian Blind by the Action of three Wrought Iron / levers 5/8 by 3/8 connected and worked by an Iron Rod (this paragraph cancelled in pencil and also the related drawing in the margin) // ¾" by 3/8" which is to be confined down when the Sashes / are open by a Hook in the Wall the Heads of these Sashes / are to be circular and to have a Copper Ventilator eighteen / Inches and the Sash frames are to be wrought / Iron 1¼" by 3/8 secured by Toothings into the Walls as / shewn more fully in the Margin and drawing N:VI. // In the margin, a pencil note and sketch by Soane: Oak Solid frame in / three parts, one third / near jamb / to open, oak --- bars / between, & to keep the / Glass small, a Ventilator / as above made of / Plate Iron 18 in / diam. // The Doorways are to have 2" Oak wrought doors / framed bead flush on both sides, and hung with 4" / Butts (butt hinges) and dogs (a type of fastener) in Oak Doorcases 6 inches by 4 inches / wrought framed and rebated with 9 inch Toothings cramped to the Bond Stones and secured with strong Mortice double bolted Locks. // All the external Doorways and Doorways to / Staircases and Passages are to have the like Doors / (the following text cancelled with large pencil X) and also Iron Gates as shews in the Drawi[ng] / No: VII the Standards 1½" Squares, the framing and Bars / 1¼" Square the Top Rails 2¼ by 3/8 the Standards to / be braced with 1¼In Bars, all to be let into the Bond / Stones alread work'd in the Walls and the / Standards and Braces footed into a Purbec[k] Portland / Step eight Inches by ten Inches, the Width of the / opening and eighteen Inches by ten Inches to receive / the Braces, all the new Work to be cramped to the / old. These Gates are to turn in a Thimble morticed / into the Stone Cill, and secured by a fine warded (*) / strong double ^bolted Mortice Gate Lock, and with a diagona[l] / Locking Bar In 1¼ square to turn on a Center into a / Strop on each upright Bar and locked to the Bond / Stone by a fine Warded Strong Padlock with a / jointed hasp and Staples as shewn in the Drawing / No:VII. // * A type of lock: 'wards are short pieces of thin plate iron, rivetted on the uppe or lower plate, near the keyhole, and round which the slits in the key work.' (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume V) The Arcades, Staircases and Passages / are to be paved as the Day Rooms, but the Windows / are not to be enclosed either with Sashes or Shutters / The Staircases are to be executed as shewn by the / several drawings with the description thereon. // The Reception Room, Bath Room or / [space] Washouse and Lobby are to be finished / as the day Rooms before described on The Ground / Story. // The Keepers and Turnkeys Apartments / The Windows and Doors to be finished as the upper Lodging / Rooms and the Walls plaistered to a plain ¼" deal Skirting / eight Inches deep, the Floors are to be of yellow ^ whole deal laid / folding free from Sap and well nailed and not more than / four boards in a fold, mitred borders round the Slabs / and plain fillets round the Stone of the Chimnies with / 1½" deal molded Chimney Shelf and Moldings under the / same. // The Kitchen to be lined (pencil, Soane) ^ as high as the windows with ¾ deal wrought / rebated and beaded and capped with Slit deal (*). The (pencil, Soane) high / ^ of the windows doors to the Keepers Apartments to be similar to those / of the Prisoners Lodging Rooms. // * 'slit deal' A name for 1¼ in. deal cut into two leaves or made into two boards (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume VII) The Chapel Floor, Windows and Doors as / the Lodging Rooms, the Walls (pencil,Soane) Lime whitened lined four feet high with / Matting and (pencil, Soane) ceiling to be plaistered with common lath and plaister / sett and whitened // The Committee Room to have yellow whole deal / folded (*) floor as the Keepers Apartments, Walls rendered / to a plain Inch deal skirting eight Inches wide, Doors / and Windows and Chimney Piece as Kitchen and / Keepers Apartments // *'in folding floors the boards, as A and B, are first nailed at such a distance that the intermediate boards cannot be got in except by great force. ... W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892, volume III) All the Walls throughout the Prison not described / to be plaistered are to be twice lime washed, the Ceilings / under Boarded Floors are to be finished with Common / Lath and Plaister whitened (pencil, Soane) and filled in between the / Cieling & floor with dry Sand or Sawdust // All the Wood and Iron work is to be painted three times in Oil. // All the Oak to be used is to be the Growth of this / Country dry well seasoned and free from Sap the / Ironwork to be done with the best Swedish wrought / Iron close hammered. // The Male and Female Debtors Courts / are to be separated by open double fencing for the Purpose of Ventilation so constructed as to prevent each description / of Prisoners from seeing into the adjoining Courts as / shewn in the Margin and Drawing NoVIII The top rail of this / Fencing is to be an 8" Oak Arris Rail toothed 13" into Bond / Stones in the Wall at each end - the uprights on one side / are to be 8" Oak Arris Bars three inches apart tenen'd [tenoned] / Inch and a half into the top Rail and two inches into a / Purbec[k] Portland Curb 16" wide and the height of the Plinth / of the present Building joggled together - The Bars / on the other side are to be of 3" Oak nine inches wide and / seven inches as under framed into the Top rail and / Stone Plinth in like Manner and run with Lead. / The Gates between these Courts are to be framed of Oak / in like Manner as the Fences, hung with strong collared / hinges to go across the Gates and bolted through the top / and bottom rails, each Gate to be secured by a fine warded / Mortice Lock. // The Privies are to be built with brick the Foundation / (if not done) is to be 18 Inches below the level of the Ground. Floor 3 Bricks at bottom equally diminished on both / sides in three Courses to two Bricks and continued that height / to the Coping which is to be of Purbec[k] Portland 2':2" wide / at the bottom and eight Inches thick throated on both / sides and sawn to an Arris at top to prevent escape and / joggled together. Each side of the Privies is to have a Vacuity / left for the admission of Air immediately under the Coping / which is to be formed by a Stone Cill 18 Inches wide at bottom / six Inches thick the top champhered down three inches from / the inside towards the external side as shown in the / Margin and drawing No:VIII. The top of the Privies to be / flat covered with 7lb (pound) Lead on Inch yellow Boarding Fir / Rafters five Inches by three Inches and plates dovetailed / at the Angles seven Inches by three Inches the Water to / be brought down by a five inch deal Water trunk within / the Privies into the Cesspool, the lead to turn up four / inches agianst the walls with flashings four inches / wide dressed over the same. / The Seats to be of 1¼" Oak with champ'd [chamfered] flaps and / frame hung with 2½ Butts and the Risers to be of / Yorkshire Paving Stone. The doors and dooorcases to be / similar to those before described for the Women Felons / Necessaries. The Ceiling to be plaistered the Walls / lime whited and the Floor paved with Yorkshire / paving. // The Entrance Court is to be separated from The / Male debtors Court by a Screen Wall as shewn in the / Margin and Drawing No:IX the foundation of which (if not already done) is to be at least two feet below the level of / the Ground Floor of the New Building and to have a footing / three Bricks and an half at bottom equally and gradually / diminished on both sides in the height of these courses / to two Bricks and continued that thickness above the / Plinth which is to be Purbec[k] Portland to the Coping / Plinth which is to be Purbec[k] Portland two feet wide throated on / both sides and twelve inches thick the top Sawn to / an Arris to prevent Escapes worked with a Champher / and joggled together. The Frontispiece and Key / Stones are to be of Purbec[k] Portland agreeable to the / Drawing and Sketch in the Margin with Purbec[k] / Portland Step eight inches wide and six Inches thick / joggled into the bond Stones. The door is to be of / three Inch Oak in two thicknesses to be made hung / and secured in the same manner as the Doors / before described for the Women felons cells. The Apertures over the door is to be filled in with Iron work similar to that in the Windows of the present / Building. // (Pencil notes by Soane) omit the door but put / in hooks to hang it here / after // The several Courts or Yards are to be / levelled and covered with Gravel laid with proper / Currents Water Courses and Sink Stones into / the Drains. The several Landings on the First Second and / Attic Stories leading to the Women Felons Cells / are to be divided from the Passages by Iron work / and Gates similar to those described to secure the / External doorways and Staircases. (Pencil note, partly illegible, and rough details added by Soane) Well in debtors Court yard / in the Center of the partition / 6' feet Depth Circular / top & bottom / bedded in Clay and / worked 9 in[ch] in / --- as and From Gratting to ----- windows / of Cellers of ---- from --- ¼ Sqre[square] / placed angleway 4 in[ch] between
Signed and dated
- datable to 2 May 1791 or before (related to SM 73/3/33, SM 73/3/34, SM 73/3/35, SM 73/3/36, SM 73/3/37, SM 73/3/38, SM 73/3/39 and SM 73/3/40)
Medium and dimensions
Brown pen and coloured washes on three sheets of thin laid paper, each folded once and stitched with white thread to make 6 leaves (400-240)
Thomas Chawner (1774-1851, pupil 1788-94)
The 'finishing' includes doors, windows, sinks, lavatories, paving, plastering, painting, fences, gates, privies, entrance
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk