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  • image SM 29/4A/2 verso

Reference number

SM 29/4A/2 verso


[1] Design for Alterations & Improvements / at Gunthorpe / for Charles Collyer Esqr, 16 February 1789


verso Ground floor plan of house and offices with proposed new work shown in a light red wash (recto see Notes in group folder)


1/8 inch to one foot


as above, No 1, plan labelled A B C D, B This Room is intended to be left in its present state, / as are all the Chambers and Attics under the / whole of this Range of Building, / The floor of the new Building to 2Ft 2in above / the level of the Old House and C are steps to / make the communication between the old / & new Rooms. Principal floor is 13 feet high / Chamber floor is 11 feet high. / Perhaps the Office Court will be sufficiently / large & airy for a drying Ground / A a Door is to be hung here to prevent the Noise / of the Servants Hall from being heard in the House / D the thorough (sic) draft of Air will prevent all smells / from the Kitchen &c, (right-hand side) Cellar for Beer Ale Cyder &c under the Eating Room / Wine Cellar to be under the best Staircase, rooms etc labelled: Drying Ground, The Brewhouse / Washouse / & Bakehouse, Kitchen, Scullery, Larder, Dairy, Passage to House, Office Court for the Coal Sheds Wood Sheds / Chicken Coops Bottle racks &c, Laundry, Servants / Hall, Passage to Offices, Mr Cllyer's (sic) / Dressing Room, Mrs Collyer's / Store Closet, Breakfast Room, Closet, Vestibule, Best Staircase, Withdrawing Room, Lobby, Water / Closet, Eating Room and dimensions given

Signed and dated

  • 16 February 1789
    Copy February 16th 1789

Medium and dimensions

Pen, light red and black washes on laid paper with three fold marks (574 x 467)


Pupil 1786-91 John McDonnell, draughtsman
John McDonnell (pupil 1786-91)


J Whatman, fleur-de-lis above cartouche with bar and below, ornate W



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

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