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[9] Variant design for the new Infirmary, facing the Thames, April 1809
Drawing. SM volume 77/25. ©Sir John Soane's Museum, London. Photo: Hugh Kelly
Reference number
SM volume 77/25
[9] Variant design for the new Infirmary, facing the Thames, April 1809
Block plan of the west side of Chelsea Hospital with a block plan for an Infirmary of three long buildings surrounding a court on three sides
bar scale
as above, labelled NB. This drawing is a copy of the design / made by me the beginning of Feby immediately / after receiving as Imagined the directions / of the Board from D. Dundas to prepare / a Plan for converting part of the Premises / lately occupied by Lord Yarborough into / an Infirmary, A. Physician / Surgery / apothecary / & / Matron / Whitster to be removed to B / C. This wall shews the line I asked for / on the 12th: of March last which was / refused:- had it been acceded, I should / then have proposed to the Board of / Commissioners to build a new Infirmary D / E. nB. This low building is not included / in the grant to Col[one]': Gordon altho' it / made a part of the Premises, lately / occupied by Lord Yarborough, River Thames, sum[mer] / house, Pleasure Ground, Creek, Public or Hospital Garden, Canal, House, office court, wall six feet high, Cowie Gard[ener] / to Sir D Dundas, Old / Infirm[ar]y:, arcade, Infirmary Court, Cleans[in]g: Ground, Drying Ground (twice), Carriage Way, Great West / quadrangle of / Hospital, Public / Washouse, Surgeons / House, Bakehouse, airing Ground, Late L[or]d: Yarboro[ugh], Coal / Yard, Stable / Yard, Board / Room, Part of Burtons Court, Road to / the Kings / Road, Paradise Row and Road from Paradise Row to Col[one]l: Gordons Premises
Signed and dated
- John Soane, architect / April. 1809 (see Notes)
Soane office and Soane
Soane submitted a report to the Board on 12 April describing the problems associated with converting Yarborough House as it existed into a new Infirmary. Originals of the plans Soane included had been made earlier that year, around February (as per this drawing and SM volume 78/31 inscription). The plan shown in SM volume 78/30 and SM volume 77/24, labelled 'Plan B' Soane described as follows: 'with all its appurtenances, entirely detached, and of course less exposed to fire'. Plan 'B' included an arcade for exercise during bad weather, an airing ground in front and the river separated only by an iron railing.
This drawing and SM volume 78/31, labelled 'Plan C', show a compromise plan 'on the supposition that all the ground cannot be had'. This shows detached wings on three sides, set far enough back to allow for Colonel Gordon's proposed villa.
This drawing and SM volume 78/31, labelled 'Plan C', show a compromise plan 'on the supposition that all the ground cannot be had'. This shows detached wings on three sides, set far enough back to allow for Colonel Gordon's proposed villa.
Papers, presented to the House of Commons, relating to the Building of a New Infirmary, and the Leasing of Ground at Chelsea Hospital (ordered by the House of Commons) to be Printed, 20th April 1809
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk