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  • image Image 1 for SM 4/3/8
  • image Image 2 for SM 4/3/8
  • image Image 3 for SM 4/3/8
  • image Image 1 for SM 4/3/8
  • image Image 2 for SM 4/3/8
  • image Image 3 for SM 4/3/8

Reference number

SM 4/3/8


Revised design


The Plan of the Principal Floor of a House and Offices designed for / M. Pepper Esqr and with (feint pencil and to a small scale) alternative plan for house, and side elevation of stables and (verso, pencil) elevation with bowed centre


bar scale of 1/15 inch to 1 foot


as above, labelled Eating Room, Best / Staircase, (pencil) Break[fast] R[oom], (pencil) Draw[ing] Ro[om], Plate / Closet, Gentleman / Dressing / Rooms, Stable Court, Coachouse (twice), Saddles (twice), Flower Garden, Kitchen Court, Sheds for Coals &c, Wet Larder, Dry Larder, Scullery, Kitchen, Servants / Hall, (pencil), Butler, doo[r], (pencil, partly illegible) door / ---- Offices / ---- , Passage to Kitchen, Closet, Corridor, and some (pencil) calculations

Signed and dated

  • Jan:ry 1784

Medium and dimensions

Pen with black and grey washes, pencil, pricked for transfer on laid paper with old repair (479 x 487)




Whatman, fleur-de-lis within crowned cartouche and below, ornate W


Michael Pepper (a merchant's son) accompanied by his tutor the Reverend George Holgate, had met Soane while in Italy (see SM online sketchbook catalogue: 'Notes Italy & Italian language &c', SM volume 162, p.162 verso).
The design catalogued here, dated January 1784, is probably (evidence of pricking through) a copy of a drawing sent to the client and followed an earlier plan and elevation sent on 24 December 1783 after a site visit of 6 December. By March 1784, Soane had been paid £5.5 for the site visit and £21 for his designs. Soane's Account Book 1781-6 has an entry (p.33) headed 1783 and M.Pepper Esqr that lists various expenses: A Horse &c Saddle &c 15.15.0 / Dec.6 A Journey to Dunmow to / examine situations 5.5.0 / Dec. 24 Sent a Plan & Elevation / for his intended Villa 21--- / sent March 12 1783 £42 / Recd by draft £42.00. There is a similar reference in SM Ledger A, pp18-19.
The house has a rectangular plan that is 59:4½ wide and about 37 feet deep with, at the rear, a pair of quadrant corridors that link the kitchen offices and the stables, each within a semicircular court, to the house. The elevation shows a three-bay, two-storey house over a basement and with an attic - flanked by the end elevations of offices and stables. Comparison with the elevation for Spencers Wood, Berkshire published in Soane's Sketches in architecture, 1793, plates xxxii-iii, as 'a villa designed for a gentleman in Berkshire' shows the re-use of that earlier design. The giant pilasters and heavy festooned frieze have gone and two-storey relieving arches introduced. The Wyatt windows are replaced by tall three-part windows with a pedimented centre that echo the form of the portico in an unhappy way.
For plans of Spencers Wood see SM online catalogue Spencers Wood, Berkshire: unexecuted design for a house for William Sotheby, December 1781.

Jill Lever, May 2009


P. du Prey, John Soane: the making of an architect, 1982, pp.140, 279-280, 284-5 fn.24-6



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk