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Record copies of drawings 129 to 133 and record drawings of two alternative greenhouse designs, March 1808 (6)


Drawings 134 to 139 show three alternative designs for a peach house, vinery and greenhouse. Drawings 134 and 135 are for a separate peach house and vinery, respectively. Drawing 136 is a building that contains the peachery, vinery and greenhouse attached to one another and linked by a a shed, with a two-storey building attached to the conservatory that contains seed and tool rooms with bedrooms overhead. Underground flues heat each hot house and are fed by stoves within the shed. Drawings 137 to 139 are for a third design, having a greenhouse between a peachery and vinery with a passage between. As in the design on drawing 136, the rooms are heated by flues and have triple-sash windows overhead. Both the flues and windows provide a warm climate that is agreeable for growing plants. The three parts are separated by sash windows and have variant flues and foundations to suit their respective plants. The vinery (drawing 139) has rods on the long wall and ceiling for the vines to climb. As in drawing 138, the vines are rooted beneath the vaulted foundations of the vinery and they grow through holes in the floor. The flue heating the greenhouse is below ground.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk

Contents of Record copies of drawings 129 to 133 and record drawings of two alternative greenhouse designs, March 1808 (6)