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  • image SM 53/2/76

Reference number

SM 53/2/76


[175] Revised design, New Law Courts, 25 September 1822


Plan of the main (ground) floor of the New Law Courts, showing the area between Westminster Hall, the eastern range of The Stone Building and the central block of the latter, including the Vice-Chancellor's Court, the Court of Chancery, the accommodation for the Lord Chancellor, with section showing difference in floor levels, not as executed


bar scale of 1/5 inch to 1 foot


Sketch of a Design for part of the New Law Courts at Westminster. / The Vice-Chancellors / Court / Flat / domical / [_] / Attendants / on the / Vice Chancellor / Robing Room / for the / Vice Chancellor / Lobby / Wat[er]: Clo[set]. (x 6) / Staircase (x 2) / Court (x 3) / Grand Jury / Rooms / Lanthorn / Light (x 3) / Furnace / for Warm[in]g / the High / court of / Chancer[y] / Robing room / for the / Lord Chancellor / bookcase (x 2) / N. / door / Attendants / on the / Lord Chan[cello]r. / Wash[ing] hands / Cl[oset]. / Vestibule. / Keeper of / the Court / Entrance from / the street into / the High Court / of Chancery / Law Library / Steps lead[in]g. to the staircase of the H[ouse]. of [Commons] / Barristers / Closet for / Wash[ing] hands / [_] / Floor of / W[estminster]. Hall / old floor of West[minste]r Hall made with [_] / foundation of Walls of the New Courts dimensions given

Signed and dated

  • 25/09/1822
    L[incolns]. I[nn]. F[ields]. / 25 Sept[ember]: 1822.

Medium and dimensions

Pencil, wash, with coloured washes of pink and blue, pen, pink pen, pricked for transfer on wove paper (782 x 566)


Sir John Soane RA (1753 - 1837), architect
This drawing has been annotated in Soane's hand.
Arthur Patrick Mee (1802 - 1868), draughtsman
The Day Book entry for 25 September 1822 notes that Arthur Mee was Drawing Plans for the new Courts at Westminster.


his design, with minor ammendments, is largely derived from the plan revised by Soane on drawing SM 53/2/75. Here, the ceilings of the Court rooms are shown in greater detail; that over the Court of Chancery, with three lantern lights, is utterly different from the dome and oculus solution indicated on the latter drawing. The semi-circular room adjoining the Vice Chancellor's Court (here identified as the latter's Robing Room) has been enlarged in this drawing, thus eliminating the surrounding light well shown in drawing SM 53/2/76. There is a schematic section recording difference in floor levels in the left margin.


Sawyer, 1999: p 528: footnote 1558



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation. This catalogue of Soane’s designs for the New Law Courts was generously funded by The Worshipful Company of Mercers and The Pilgrim Trust.

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk