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  • image SM 53/8/54

Reference number

SM 53/8/54


[477] Drawing for publication, Westminster Hall and New Law Courts, 18 December 1826


Exterior perspective of the New Law Courts from the north west, with the elevation to St Margaret's Street Gothicized to correspond with the new façade of the Court of King's Bench and a Record building added to the east of Westminster Hall, unexecuted


to a scale

Signed and dated

  • 18/12/1826
    Dec[embe]r. 18. 1826
    secondary date of 10th Jaunary 1827

Medium and dimensions

Pencil, within single ruled border within impress of plate (406 x 191) on laid paper (459 x 289)


Soane Office, draughtsman


W Weatherley / 1822


The façades of the Record Building and the Court of King's Bench closely follow the elevation shown in SM 53/8/50, except for the increased scale of the merlons. It is closely related to SM 53/8/54, and appears to be the prepatory drawing for the plate 7 of Soane's Brief Statement (London, 1828). The second date 10th January 1827 may mark when the original alternating form of the first-floor windows on the St Margaret's Street façade of The Stone Building were changed to be consistently square-headed, excepting the central window and those in the pavilion towers. Such revisions would appear to relate to Charles Richardson's entry in the Day Books for the latter date, when he was Writing out Statement / of Facts realting to the / New Law Courts:-.



If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk