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  • image SM volume 115/135

Reference number

SM volume 115/135


Folio 81 recto (Ashby 135): Column base seen near the Capitol


Partial section with perspectival view, and measurements


To an approximate scale of 1:6


[Drawing] sub. Capitolio (‘Below the Capitol’); [measurements] [Mount] 135 [x2] [Verso] 8

Signed and dated

  • c.1513/14
    Datable to c.1513/14

Medium and dimensions

[Drawing] Pen and brown ink and grey-brown wash over stylus lines and compass pricks; on laid paper (233x167mm), rounded corners at left, inlaid (back to front with respect to original foliation, window on verso of mount) [Verso] Blank [Mount] Frame lines, in pen and dark brown ink, 10mm apart [Verso of mount] Window (224x157mm)


Bernardo della Volpaia


[Drawing] Anchor in circle topped with six-pointed star (variant 4; cut at right) [Mount] Figure shown kneeling and holding a cross-topped staff set in a shield (variant 3)


This large base with a plinth of about 1.5 metres in width was seen, as the caption states, ‘below’ the Capitol, but is otherwise unrecorded. With two toruses, two scotias and a single astragal between them, it has a profile like the pilaster bases on the upper storey of the Pantheon’s interior. Far smaller bases of the same profile-type are also illustrated on the following folio. In depicting the base’s left-hand side, the drawing differs in format from the many on the codex’s neighbouring pages that all show the right-hand side. Its position in the page’s bottom-right corner indicates that other drawings were originally planned to be shown in its company, presumably all with the same reversed format.


Ashby 1904, p. 67
Census, ID 46866



Digitisation of the Codex Coner has been made possible through the generosity of the Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance, Berlin.

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk