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  • image SM volume 115/103

Reference number

SM volume 115/103


Folio 61 recto (Ashby 103): Unidentified entablature


Perspectival elevation of a corner


Not known


[Drawing] 80 [early seventeenth-century hand]; 15 [in graphite] [Mount] 103 [x2]

Signed and dated

  • 1625/35
    Date range: 1625/35

Medium and dimensions

[Drawing] Pen and brown ink and brown wash over graphite; on laid paper (232x166mm), staining upper left edge, rounded corners at right, inlaid (window on verso of mount) [Mount] Frame lines, in pen and dark brown ink, 10mm apart


Seventeenth-Century Hand 1 (Codex Ursinianus Copyist)


Ashby likened the entablature, depicted in a seventeenth-century addition to the codex (numbered like most others in graphite), to that of Rome’s Arch of the Argentarii, which is indeed similar in the amount of its decoration but is not at all close in its composition, or in having a frieze decorated with acanthus scrolls as shown here. Campbell, although unable to identify the actual subject, nevertheless drew attention to depictions of two very similar entablatures. One, shown in an engraving by Agostino Veneziano of 1536, is closely comparable in most respects, except that the cornice lacks the lower band of egg-and-dart. The other, seen in a drawing in Naples, has an identical cornice, but the frieze is undecorated and the architrave has only two fascias.

The drawing, in format, is consistent with the two others of entablatures in the codex dating from the seventeenth century (Fols 58v and 60r) in that it combines an orthogonal elevation of the corner with occasional elements represented perspectivally, in this case the row of dentils (although not the projecting corona). As such, it was presumably based on a much earlier drawing, produced when such a combination was much more the norm, and probably in the same compilation as other originals used for Coner drawings from this later time.

OTHER IMAGES MENTIONED: [Agostino Veneziano] Oberhuber 1978, p. 216; [Anon.] Naples, BNN, Ms XII D 74, fol. 11 (Lanzarini 2020, p. 506)


Ashby 1904, p. 51
Campbell 2004, 2, p. 229
Census, ID 47194



Digitisation of the Codex Coner has been made possible through the generosity of the Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance, Berlin.

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk