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  • image SM 67/5/18

Reference number

SM 67/5/18


[32] Design, 16 August 1809


Rough plan of the ground floor and elevation, with block plan of adjacent buildings and details of staircase plans


bar scale


labelled (Soane) an under Gr[oun]d Storey / if no other use than / to keep that part of the building opposite the sick perfectly / dry- wood etc as see H, Basement, Matrons, Kitchen, Hot & Cold Baths, dead, area (three times), Surgeon, Nurse, Surgery, Area, Matron, Phy[sician], apoth[ecary] / Shop and some dimensions and calculations given

Signed and dated

  • Augst. 16: 1809




This drawing, SM 67/5/19 and SM 67/5/24 sets out the position intended (by Soane) for the Infirmary at this stage - block plans show the proposed structure completely separate from Yarborough House, replacing the Whitster's residence and on ground intended for Colonel Gordon's house.

The plan indicates a long narrow building with two slightly projecting wings on either end, forming an elongated 'H'. There appears to be an outer wall added to the north side however, which would account for the different shape shown in the block plan. The design indicates space for 42 patients on one floor (this drawing shows only 38 berths, although some of the rooms are un-named). There are also circles marked out within the corridor, at each end, which may possibly indicate skylights. Rooms for the dead are labelled, slightly detached from the main building, presumably for control of infection. For the same reason the 'foul ward' (used for the treatment of patients with venereal diseases) is also slightly detached on the other side.

This drawing also shows a rough elevation with a rusticated basement (which appears almost to be dug out), and small side buildings. In connection with the plan and its position, Soane noted in his report to the Commissioners of 13 April 1809 'After consulting the Physician and Surgeon of the Hospital, respecting what they conceive necessary to be done to carry the intentions of the Board into effect, and having attentively considered the subject, I have made a general Plan accordingly, which I beg leave to submit to the Board, trusting it will embrace the different objects in contemplation, and be at the same time attended with as little expence as the nature and extent of the accommodations required will allow of'.

The Latin inscription 'mihi turpe relinque est' translates as 'it is shameful for me to be left behind'. This was the motto adopted by George Dance for the Parma Academy Gold Medal competition of 1763. It was used again by Soane for his (unsuccessful) entries for the competition for St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics, 1777 and for a competition for prisons, 1781-2. A motto was used as competition entries had to be anonymous. Obviously this is not the case here but Soane must have felt it appropriate in some way.


Papers, presented to the House of Commons, relating to the Building of a New Infirmary, and the Leasing of Ground at Chelsea Hospital (ordered by the House of Commons) to be Printed, 20th April 1809
M. Richardson, 'Soane in Chelsea', pp.45-51, The Chelsea Society Report, 1992



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk