bar scale of 1/13 inch to 1 foot
Lord Mulgrave, 41'9" (twice), The Kitchen Court &c / 65' 9", A, Coals & Wood, Necessary (twice), Coals, Mealroom / 12' by 8', Scullery / & / Bakehouse / 18 by 19, Passage to, Kitchen / 18' by 24', Dry larder / 12' by 8', Wet larder / 10' by 12', Dairy / 18' by 12', A, Cheese / room / 10' by 12', Washouse & / Scalding / room for dairy / 18' by 16', Brewhouse / 18' by 18', Laundry / 18' by 16', C (three times), C &c These windows to be placed at a sufficient / height from the Ground to prevent any / communication with the stable offices, AA The drying ground, fowl yard & many other offices must / depend on & be governed by the situation of the roads // BB An arch to be turned from the back of the kitchen chimney / to the wall of the house to convey the smoak [sic] from the kitchen, / stoves &c another from the scullery, (pencil) B (twice), Bottle rack, open area
Medium and dimensions
Pen and grey, black and pink washes, pencil, on laid paper (364 x 244)
John McDonnell (1770 -, pupil, 18 March 1786-91)
The kitchen court has entrances to the east and west and a passage through the south range that leads to the house. The east range has storage for coals and wood and 'necessaries' between, their entries arranged on axis with the dairy occupying the opposite west range. The dairy has a Venetian window and a communication with the adjoining cheese store. Adjacent wet and dry larders are connected to the kitchen to the south. The rooms in the west range needed to be kept cool for the larder and dairy, and were thus set apart from the other offices. The scalding room for the dairy occupied the corner of the north range, beside the laundry and brewhouse. Pencil alterations to the drawing show a link from the south range to the house, with an 'open area' between the chimney of the kitchen and the house and provisions for 'an arch to be turned from the back of the kitchen chimney to the wall of the house to convey the smoke from the kitchen, stoves &c'.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation