It is probable that these drawings were made for John before June 1772 which is when the Ayr bank collapsed. The brothers, including their youngest brother William, had engaged in a joint venture to build an ambitious scheme in London called the Adelphi. The collapse of the Ayr Bank led to a run on the Scottish banks which proved problematic for the Adam brothers’ who had taken out multiple loans to partly fund their Adelphi endeavours. Although they avoided bankruptcy, their practice never fully recovered and the relationship between John and Robert fractured. Whilst John remained in Edinburgh, it is not clear if these designs for his home were ever executed.
It is important to note that Robert Adam also made designs for a new house at Blair Adam for John Adam on the same date that he made one of these drawings, 9 May 1772.
See also: Blair Adam, Perth and Kinross.
Literature: W. Brown, Williamson's directory for the City of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith and suburbs, 1773-4, 1889, p. 4; A.T. Bolton, The Architecture of Robert and James Adam, Volume II, Index, 1922, p. 12; E. Harwood, The Furniture of Robert Adam, 1963, p. 49; I. G. Brown, 'Architects or Gentlemen? Adam Heraldry & its Implications', Architectural Heritage: IV, 1993, pp. 82-92
Louisa Catt, 2023
Sir John Soane's collection includes some 30,000 architectural, design and topographical drawings which is a very important resource for scholars worldwide. His was the first architect’s collection to attempt to preserve the best in design for the architectural profession in the future, and it did so by assembling as exemplars surviving drawings by great Renaissance masters and by the leading architects in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries and his near contemporaries such as Sir William Chambers, Robert Adam and George Dance the Younger. These drawings sit side by side with 9,000 drawings in Soane’s own hand or those of the pupils in his office, covering his early work as a student, his time in Italy and the drawings produced in the course of his architectural practice from 1780 until the 1830s.
Browse (via the vertical menu to the left) and search results for Drawings include a mixture of Concise catalogue records – drawn from an outline list of the collection – and fuller records where drawings have been catalogued in more detail (an ongoing process).
Contents of John Adam: preliminary designs and finished drawings for three pier glass frames, c.1772, executed status unknown (7)
- Designs for a pier glass frame for John Adam, c.1772, executed status unknown (3)
- Designs for a pier glass frame for John Adam, c. 1772, executed status unknown (4)