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  • image SM D5/4/16

Reference number

SM D5/4/16


Royal College of Surgeons, 41-42 (now 35-43) Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, Camden, London, 1805-12 (with James Lewis)


[52] Plan and elevation of pilaster capitals, and faint rough perspective


1½ in to 1 ft


No6 of these Caps to Pilasters / in Portugal Street, labelled Stucco (twice) and Face of Bernasconi [sic], dimensions given and (verso, Dance) Royal College of Surgeons / Cap of Pilasters / back front Portugal Street

Signed and dated

  • 1805-12

Medium and dimensions

Pen, pink and sepia washes, pencil, shaded on laid paper (340 x 475)




WR below


The pilaster capitals have three plain, circular bosses and are similar to those used for the Hall of Entrance at Stratton [SM D1/4/62]. Kalman (p.222) notes a possible source as the pilaster order of the Temple of Bacchus of Myus, near Miletus, published in Society of Dilettanti, /Antiquities of Ionia, II, 1797, plate XXXV, figure 2.

Francis Bernasconi (1762-1841) was the master plasterer and stuccoist for both contracts, his name appearing in the Royal College of Surgeons Accounts from 1807. For further information on Bernasconi, see Appendix 4.



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