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[15] Survey of chimney-pieces and (verso) working drawing for window
Reference number
SM 81/2/47
[15] Survey of chimney-pieces and (verso) working drawing for window
Elevations of five chimney-pieces and (verso) Elevation of the Drawing room Window and Elevation of the Drawing room Window / with proposed Alteration and very rough pencil elevations of chimney-pieces with ? room labels
bar scale of 1/2 inch to 1 foot
Statuary(3 times), vein marble , vein'd, Statuary Slab , Slab Vein'd, vein'd, vein'd Slab, Vein'd marble, This mantle / broke, Sienia, Green, Statuary slips, Sienia veneer, Inlaid green fluted, Statuary / Truss, Demensions of the old marble x 5 Chim'y pieces / belongingto Lady Pembroke Charles Street (verso) as above, The Countess of Pembroke, Charles Street, (feint pencil) Keep out the wind,
Signed and dated
- 24/07/1798
Lincolns Inn fields July 24 1798
Medium and dimensions
Pen (verso) pen and added pencil on wove paper with three fold marks (336 x 568)
The Soane office Day Book has no mention of the Countess of Pembroke under 24
July 1798 but the drawings are attributed to George Mansfield, surveyor 1 May 1797 - December 1800
July 1798 but the drawings are attributed to George Mansfield, surveyor 1 May 1797 - December 1800
The chimney-pieces were presumably the existing ones that were to be replaced by new Soane-designed chimney-pieces. The window is to be made full length (no image available ).
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk