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  • image SM volume 115/68c

Reference number

SM volume 115/68c


Drawing 3: Column from Palazzo della Cancelleria


Perspectival elevation, with measurements


To an approximate scale of 1:19


.C[asa]. car[dinalis]. S. G[iorgio]. desupra. (‘The house of the Cardinal of San Giorgio: upper level’); [measurements]

Signed and dated

  • c.1513/14
    Datable to c.1513/14

Medium and dimensions

Pen and brown ink and grey-brown wash


Bernardo della Volpaia


This column comes, as the caption makes clear, from the palace of the Cardinal of San Giorgio, known now as the Palazzo della Cancelleria, and, more specifically, it is one of those with monolithic shafts from the upper storey of the courtyard. The shaft, again carefully measured, is 5 braccia and 49 minutes (3.39m) in height, and is thus of around the same size as the two others on the sheet. The attention given to measuring the shaft suggests that it may have been known to be ancient, coming possibly although not certainly from the nearby Theatre of Pompey (Bentivoglio 1982, p. 28). The capital and base are recorded in greater detail elsewhere in the codex (Fols 70r/Ashby 119 and 83r/Ashby 136).

The drawing was copied by Michelangelo.

RELATED IMAGES: [Michelangelo] CB, 1Av: left side (De Tolnay 1975–80, 4, p. 49; Agosti–Farinella 1987, pp. 88–89)

OTHER DRAWINGS IN CODEX CONER OF SAME SUBJECT: Fol. 32r/Ashby 51; Fol. 49r/Ashby 83; Fol. 70r/Ashby 119; Fol. 83r/Ashby 136


Ashby 1904, p. 39
Census, ID 47209



Digitisation of the Codex Coner has been made possible through the generosity of the Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance, Berlin.

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk