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Number 18, Adam Street: Adelphi Tavern

Number 18 Adam Street

The Adelphi Tavern was located at number 18 Adam Street, on the western side of the street, on the northern corner with John Street. This building is now part of the Royal Society of Arts, and along with its neighbours has been given an extra storey beneath a mansard roof. The tavern opened in October 1772, under the ownership of William Osborn, who lived in the neighbouring house at number 21 (later number 2) John Street. He was also a member of the RSA.

The ceilings on the ground and first floors were executed in accordance with Adam’s designs and survive in situ.

In 1957 the RSA acquired a 99-year lease of numbers 20 and 21 (later numbers 2 and 4) John Street, as well as number 18 Adam Street. They purchased the freehold of these three buildings in 1977, 1979 and 1980 respectively. In the 1990s a lecture theatre was built in the former wine vault beneath the building.
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