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Survey drawings of the entrance screen, April 1818 (2)

The entrance screen was poorly built, as in 1806 Lord Hardwicke wrote to Soane to alert him to the its delapidated state and his desire for its reconstruction. Only ten years after being built, a crack had developed in the central arch and the lodges needed to be demolished due to subsidence (D. Adshead, p. 97).

The central round-headed arch is 16 feet 7½ inches tall and covered by a shallow pediment. It is connected to the flanking lodges by passages fronted with apsidal niches. The lodges each have a single room measuring 13 feet 9 inches by 12 feet 6 inches, with one side having a chimney-piece between the two doors. Externally, the lodges measure 16 feet 9 inches squared.
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