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Designs for villa D, c. July 1800 (5)

Drawings 20 to 21 all follow the same plan, drawing 20 on the chamber rather than ground floor. The most noticeable feature is the large oval room with radiating colonnade. Drawing 22 is in Soane's hand and experiments with the position of each room - the oval drawing room becomes the eating room. The stair space has also been reduced in size and columns added to the corners of the building.

Drawing 19 is dated, under a sketch in Soane's hand, to July 1806, well after Soane had abandoned the scheme for Acton and built his house at Pitzhanger. The date probably refers only to the sketch, however, which is evidently an adapted version of the main plan intended for the 1806 redesign of Pitzhanger (many of which focused on rounding off the Dance wing in such a manner). The house plan as well as the marginal pencil sketchs clearly relate to the Acton scheme.
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